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The next few months were rough on both of them, but they thrived on the work and new friends they had made.   One day, while Can was on the phone with Metin, Ben overheard Can talking.   Can was saying that he and Sanem wanted to set up a foundation for the Midway Atoll Islands.   They wanted all the profits from books and photos, that they published to go to the foundation.   When Can realized that Ben had overheard him, he ask Ben to be on the board of the foundation.   Can said, "Your  input would be invaluable to the foundation."   Ben was tearful when he said , "Yes, he would love to work with them."

When the workers found out that Can and Sanem were doing all of this work, not for profit.    But to donate the money for environmental studies, especially in their work area.   Even though they had grown to love and respect the couple, they had still felt like they were a rich couple, just in it for the glory.  The workers were so happy to hear that, Can and Sanem were not what they thought and had proven them wrong about their real dedication to the project.  They started taking them to places on this small island, that most people were never allowed.  They took them to other small islands to see how some of the other sea life were faring.  Some of the green turtles, and different fish were becoming endangered, also.

Sanem was able to send updates to the publisher, with some of Can's photos.   She told them that they could complete the work pretty quickly when they returned.  When she told them, that they had enough information for a two part series, the publisher was thrilled with them and their work.

They had been there four months, when Sanem got up one morning, very sick.   She was afraid that it was something, she had eaten.   She and Can took the day off, and stayed in, most of the day resting.  They had not stopped much in the last four months.  They realized that their wedding anniversary was coming up next week, two years already.   They have been so busy since they got married, that the two years have flown by quickly.

They spent the day, just being together, and talking about the last two years, and how much fun they have had together.   Sanem fell asleep, and Can just held her till he dozed off.   When they woke up Sanem was still a little nauseated, and didn't really want any food.   She sent Can to eat, and ask if he would bring her some crackers and tea.

While he was gone, Sanem was looking through her notes and calendar.   When something on her calendar caught her eye, she was two weeks late with her period.   She has taken her pills faithfully, wonder what happened?   When Can got back to the room, with her tea and crackers.   She said shyly, "Can, I'm late with my period. I haven't missed a pill, I wonder if I'm pregnant?"

Can said excitedly, "Nothing is one hundred percent, maybe you are.   Do you feel okay?  Are you okay if you are?   What do you think?"

Sanem laughed softly and replied, "I'm pretty sure I can tell how you would feel, and I feel the same way.   I hope we are pregnant.  I'm ready to have a little Can, running around."   Can said, "Or a little Sanem! Or a combination of both of us."

They decided to wait until tomorrow to see if the little store had a pregnancy test.  They both decided that maybe it was time to head home.  They had gotten so much done, and had enough information and photos to fill several books.   If they are pregnant, they want to be home in Istanbul, with Sanem under medical care.  They went to sleep holding each other and dreaming about babies.

The next morning Sanem felt better, just tired.  She was able to eat some breakfast and drink hot tea.   Afterwards they went to the little supply store, but did not find a pregnancy test.   They decided to start packing up and planning to leave in the next few days.   Since they fly into Hawaii, they could stay a couple of days, and do a pregnancy test there.

It was so sad to say goodbye to everyone.  They promised to come visit and send a copy of the book series.  There were tears from everyone as Can and Sanem left to catch their flight.

Sanem especially was tearful, because she wondered if they would ever come back, if they are pregnant now.  Can held her and with tears in his eyes, said, "We will bring any children we have to visit here, and teach them about saving the planet.  They will learn from you, as I have, and will be so proud of you for making a difference.

They held hands on the plane and were both excited to take the pregnancy test.  They were also, looking forward to seeing their family and friends.

Sanem slept on Can's shoulder on the flight to Hawaii.   It was a good thing because, she would have been amused to see the stewardess flirting with Can the whole flight.   A scruffy Can, was very handsome and rugged.  The funny thing was Can did not even notice.   He spent most of the flight looking at Sanem and rubbing her hair.   The Stewardess was very perturbed to not even get a smile out of him, just polite nods, or thank you.

One of the first things they did when they reached the airport, was to buy two pregnancy tests.   When they arrived at the hotel, they both sat and read the directions.  It was decided that they would do one now, then the other one first thing in the morning as directed.   Sanem went to the bathroom, took the test, and left it on the counter.  She went and sat on the bed with Can, he set a timer, then they just hugged each other.

When they timer went off, they walked to the bathroom holding hands.  Sanem picked up the little stick and they looked at it at the same time.  They both started crying, as the test was positive.  They were having a baby!

Can picked Sanem up and started to twirl her around.   He stopped suddenly and said, "Nope, no swinging, are you okay?"  With her arms around Can's neck, Sanem said laughing, "I am more than alright!   I am so happy, but spinning around might not be good right now!"  They decided to take the other test again in the morning, because it was fun!

They also, decided to not tell anyone till Sanem saw her doctor.  The only concern was that she had not missed any birth control pills, but she would stop them right now.  They could not stop smiling at each other all evening.

They had room service and an early night, as they were both exhausted.  The last few months had worn them out physically and mentally.

The next morning they woke up holding each other as normal.   Sanem got up, took the test again, with the same results.   They were almost giddy with happiness, same as night before.   They got up had some tea, then went out to breakfast, see some of the sights.   They especially loved walking on the beach.  There was some sadness, when they thought about the beaches at Midway Atoll Island and all the dead birds.  They would never forget what they had seen and learned.  

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