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Nobody could believe what was going on, and Leyla came walking in when Can was saying we have to call her parents.    Leyla said, "What happened?" and when they told her, she started begging "Please don't call our parent's.    I'll go take care of her, but please, please don't call them."

Can said, "Okay, but I will drive you to the hospital, and you can explain."

Emre said, "I will go, too!"   Huma ask, "Should I go?"  

 Emre replied, "No, we will call you, just go on home for now."

Leyla cried all the way to the hospital, saying, "I should have taken better care of her, what are we going to do?   Our parent's won't let her work anymore when they find out. They will make her marry Muzo, and she will have to quit work and just stay home."

Can and Emre were shocked at what they were hearing, this wasn't Sanem's fault.  Wouldn't her parents understand and let her keep working?

Leyla said, "No, they are very traditional and will blame Sanem for causing a fuss, even if not her fault.  Please, Please don't tell them."

Can was remembering the secret Sanem told him about her education.  He had not realized her parents were this strict. Polen was obviously mental, and he felt like it was partly his fault he had not realized she was this bad.

He really liked working with Sanem, she was brilliant, creative, humble, wonderful sense of humor and beautiful. He really like her a lot, and liked keeping her close.   Wow, was he developing feelings for Sanem?

When they got to the hospital, Leyla went to find the doctor to see if she could see her sister.  She wanted to find out what was wrong with her, and could she take her home.

When the doctor came out to talk to Leyla, he ask if she could sign for surgery for Sanem.  They needed to see where she was bleeding from, she had not come to yet.  They needed to take her to surgery immediately.

She said, "She is my sister, and she is 24 years old.   Our parent's are at least forty-five minutes away."  The doctor said, "Please sign as next of kin here, because it might be to late if we wait on her parents.  She appears to have stab wounds in her abdomen from a sharp object."  Emre spoke up and said, "She was kicked by a crazy woman wearing high heel shoes."

Emre caught Leyla as she started wobbling.   He then walked with her to the nurse's desk, to sign the consent.

Can sat down, holding his head in his hands, he realized that he couldn't stand if something happened to her.   He had gotten so used to her quietly in the background, being with him.   Could he have fallen in love with her?

When Leyla and Emre came to sit beside Can, they couldn't believe it, he was crying.   He told them, "I just realized how much I have grown to care for Sanem, and I don't want to lose her."     Leyla was shocked, because she knew that Sanem liked Can, but did she like him more than a boss?  Emre had never seen his brother like this, and knew he was serious.

Leyla begged again, could we wait to call our parent's, as she was so afraid of what they would do or say.   She called Ayhan, Sanem's best friend and Osman's sister.  She ask her to call their parent's later at dinner time, to let them know the girls were with them.  She would call as soon as possible with an update.

After the surgery, the doctor came to find them.   He told them they had gotten the bleeding stopped and that Sanem would not have any lasting effects from her injuries.  She would have to stay in the hospital for a few days, for antibiotics because of being stabbed with dirty shoes.     Also, they had phoned the police, because they have to report any stabbing incidents.   They  were told the assault had already been reported.

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