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The twins were five months old and it was Ates third birthday. All of the family was coming to Can and Sanem's for a birthday party. Osman and Deren were bringing Nisa, she is a little over three years old. Leyla and Emre were bringing their son Altan and daughter Ahu, they were about two and one-half years old. Ates was so excited that his friends were coming to his fire truck party. He had a fire truck cake, fire truck hats, and plans to play hide and seek. He could not wait to share with his friends.

Sanem had dressed the girls in matching dresses, with different colored bows in their dark hair. Ates was so proud of his sisters and wanted everyone to come see them. All of the grandparents were together for a change. Huma was actually in town with her new husband. The kids were all a little leery of Huma, but tolerated her. All of the children adored Mevkibe, Nihat, Aziz, and Mihriban, as they got to see them at daycare and visited them a lot.

After the cake, ice cream, and gifts, the kids ages two and three, were all running around with CeyCey playing hide and seek, hiding behind flowers and small boxes. Everyone was giggling, but no one laughing as much as CeyCey. The adults were all standing around laughing at the kids and CeyCey, and just talking. Can was talking with his Baba, Huma, and Emre, when he mentioned his rare blood type. He jokingly said, "Hey, did you guys adopt me or something? I have a different blood type then all of you." Emre jokingly replied, "I always said you were adopted, didn't I, Baba?" Aziz just laughed at his sons, but Huma started sputtering, and said, "Don't be ridiculous of course you are not adopted. The doctors just made a mistake. You are being silly, stop talking about it now."

Can, Emre, and their Baba were taken aback with Huma's response and changed the subject. Can in the back of his mind started thinking, maybe I need to investigate this problem, especially since Huma is so flustered about it.

By this time everyone was getting their giggly children gathered up to go home. Ayhan whispered a secret to Sanem, and she started crying. CeyCey ran over and said, "Sanem it's your turn to tell our secret." Sanem took hold of Ayhan and CeyCey's hands and said, "We are having another baby in our group in five months."

Everyone started clapping and cheering, when Osman and Deren said, "Two babies in the next five months." Everyone was so happy, dancing, and cheering, till the kids started saying "What's wrong?" The adults just laughed and hugged each other, they were so happy with their little growing family group of friends.

A few weeks later, on a Monday afternoon, Can received a phone call from his Orthopedic doctor, Dr. Ozturk. It was a surprise to Can, as he had completely healed from his broken leg and had been released from the doctor's care. Dr. Ozturk ask if Can could come to his office tomorrow morning at 10:00, and bring his birth certificate. Can said, 'Of course, and I will bring my wife with me, if okay?"

The next morning Can and Sanem arrived at the doctor's office at 9:45, and were led into a conference room. They had a seat and waited for a brief time, before Dr. Ozturk and another gentleman came into the room. Dr. Ozturk introduced Can and Sanem to Police Detective Altay; they both had a seat, after shaking hands with the Divit's. Detective Altay started with asking to see Can's birth certificate. After looking at it, he ask "Is this the original?" Can replied, "As far as I know, yes. This is what my parents gave me when I went to college. Could I ask what this is all about?"

The officer looked at Dr. Ozturk, and told him to start. Dr. Ozturk said, "An attorney came to my office yesterday, and ask me to change the blood type on your chart. He offered me a large amount of money to do this. I told him I would need to think about something like that, as it was illegal. He told me that he could get me more money if I were to co-operative. After he left, I immediately phoned the police and Detective Altay was assigned to this case. I would never do something this unethical."

Can said, "Why would someone do something like that, it sounds crazy to me?" Detective Altay ask, "Has anything ever come up about your place of birth, date, or blood type before?"

Can replied, "Never till recently, when I had to have a blood transfusion for surgery. Dr. Ozturk actually did the surgery and set my broken leg. What do you think this is all about?"

Dr. Ozturk asks, "Did Can think he was adopted, and hadn't been told?"

Can said, "I actually joked with my parents about this very subject, a few weeks ago, and we all laughed. We were talking about how my parents and brother all have the same blood type, and mine is different. My mother just said it was a mistake."

Detective Altay ask them "To not mention anything to anyone, family or friends, until his investigation is complete. We want to make sure this has nothing to do with you being famous, Mr. Divit. Also, could I make a copy of your birth certificate, to use? I would like Dr. Ozturk, to be too busy to talk to the attorney, until I give the go ahead."

They all agreed, and Can and Sanem left the office, holding hands. They neither one could imagine, what was going on and why now?

It made Can feel very sad that someone was messing with his family again. He was comforted, that he had Sanem for support.

After about three weeks, of worrying and wondering what was going on, Detective Altay phoned Can. He ask him if all of his family was in Istanbul now. Can told him "yes." Detective Altay wanted Can and Sanem to invite everyone over to their house, even his in-laws. He wants to come and have a meeting with everyone. The Police have some leads that they want to follow-up on, and then ask questions of Can's parents. They want the whole family there, so Sanem's parents can take the kids out of the room, when they start asking the questions.

Two days later on a Friday evening, all of Can and Sanem's family came over for a simple meal. Sanem and her Anne had made lots of appetizers and desserts. Everyone was happy to be together, except Huma was being her rude self to Aziz and Mihriban. After the meal, everyone was in the living room, playing with the babies and Ates. Leyla and Emre, were having a night out without their babies, Ayhan and CeyCey were practicing with them, by babysitting. When the doorbell rang, Can got up go to let Detective Altay and an older lady with him, into the house.

Sanem whispered to her Anne and Baba, "Could you take the kids to the nursery now?" Not knowing what was going on, they gathered the kids up for baths, and left the room.

When Can introduced Detective Altay, and said, "He has some questions for us." Huma stood up and told her fourth husband, "We need to leave now."

The detective said, "No, everyone needs to stay for this now." Huma sat down, but was very restless. Aziz ask, "What is going on Can?"

Can replied, "I am not sure what is going on, Detective Altay wanted all of us here tonight." 

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