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When Can returned to his home Emre and Huma were in the living room, having a drink.  He poured himself a whiskey, and went to join them.  Huma ask Can, where he had been and had he eaten, yet?  He replied, "At the hospital, visiting with Sanem and they had eaten together, fish sandwiches."

As he had ran out and got them another, in the evening. Sanem loved fish sandwiches.

Huma was surprised to hear Can had been with Sanem.  She decided she needed to check this out.    So she ask Can to tell her a little more about Sanem, and how long she had been with the Agency?

Can who never talks very much, especially to Huma, starting telling all about Sanem.   He started with how he met her, how sweet she is, how Aunt Remide loves her, how the employees adore her, how she is so nice, kind, and so smart!

Emre just sat with a little grin on his face, while his brother, totally out of character went on and on about Sanem.    He told about her brilliant ideas for different campaigns, coming up with slogans, planning video and print ads.

By this time Huma was getting the picture.   Even though she was not around, when he was growing up, her son was very obviously, crazy about this girl!   She would have to spend a little time with Sanem and get to know her.

Then Can shocked her so badly, she spit her drink and started coughing, when he said "I am going to marry Sanem."

He patted her on the back, then kept talking, and ask if she would be willing to go with him to ask for Sanem's hand in marriage.

Huma was stunned, as she knew Can had planned to never marry.    In fact he always blamed her, saying he would never trust a woman to not leave him.    Just like she did when he was a boy.

She looked at Emre, who did not look shocked at all, so she knew he had heard this before.  She noticed then, that Can was quiet waiting on her response.    She just quietly said, "Can are you sure?"  He replied, "Yes, Mother, very, very sure."

She had tears in her eyes, as he never calls her Mother, when she said, "Could I meet her first?"

He said, "We can go tomorrow, if she is discharged, I want to take her home.  Would you like to go with me?"

"Just let me know what time and yes, I will go with you," she replied.

They all said goodnight, and went to bed.    Can to dream about Sanem.  Emre and Huma to think about the change in Can.  Their world traveler, who had so obviously fallen in love with an innocent girl from the Mahalla.

The next morning Can received a call from Metin, to let him know that Polen had accepted a plea bargain.  She would be going to a Prison Mental Hospital for treatment for no less than five years.  Eventually she might get out after completing a treatment program, but any new threats or setbacks, would keep her in there.   Can was relieved to hear that none of them would have to go to court and testify.

He phoned Sanem to give her the good news, and ask if he could take her home?  She very shyly said, she "would be getting out about noontime."  He told her to let her parents know he would bring her home.  She just said, "Okay, and thank you."

He was so happy that she had for once, not said he didn't need to bother.  He went to tell Emre, that he would go to the office till about 11:00, then he would come get Huma.  He would take her with him, to take Sanem home.

When he got to the office, he was in such a good mood, that it was infectious and all of the employees were happy.  When CeyCey ask "How was Sanem?"    He just said, "I am going to go take her home about noon!"

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