ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟙: ℂ𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕠𝕜𝕖𝕖 ℝ𝕠𝕤𝕖

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The engine of a motorcycle could be heard in the distance as the survivors on the farm were collecting rocks for burial for Otis.

Inside Rick, Carl, and Lori watched Hershel as he checked on Keeley.

"Fever's gone down," Hershel said before Keeley made a noise.

Pain. All Keeley felt was pain all over her body, feeling like she got hit repeatedly by a semi. She groaned, feeling the sunlight on her eyes.

She felt movement on her right as a voice spoke. "Keeley?" She slowly opened her eyes to see Carl, Rick, Lori, and a man she's never seen before standing in front of her.

"What happened?" She asked having no memory of what happened. "There was an accident. You were shot, but Hershel saved you."

"I was shot? Wh- Uh thank you." Keeley said giving a man a small smile, feeling grateful. "Sophia?" She asked, going to a topic more important. "Did we find her? Is she okay?"

"She's fine," Rick assured her. "Get some rest. We'll be right here, okay?" Lori told Keeley. "Rest? You look like the one who needs rest, Lori. You look like a mess." The girl told as she looked over at Rick. "You both do."

"Just try to get some sleep okay?" Lori advised her again in a soft voice. "Okay." Keeley said as she drifted off and she felt Carl lay next to her while Lori kissed her forehead.


When Keeley woke up the rest of our group made it to the farm, but she also found out that the man who had shot her "sacrificed" his life for Shane to bring the man, Hershel, what he needed to save her. She felt guilty that someone lost their life to save her and that she couldn't even attend the funeral to pay her respects because if she moved too much she could rip the stitching, but thankfully Carl stayed behind with her and tried to lighten the mood by telling jokes.

And it did help just a little.

After the funeral, Rick and the others were getting set up to find Sophia. Rick told her the truth and that he was sorry for lying to her earlier and that the others haven't had any luck or a clue as to where she might be.

Carl fell asleep next to Keeley while she read a book, trying to pass time. She didn't bother reading the title, she was just so bored sitting in that room, staring at the same wall for what seemed like forever. Keeley started humming the lyrics of a melody her mother used to sing to her before she passed and Keeley was never really into singing, it was just something that helped her pass time but it also brought her fond memories of her mom.

She was so deep in thought that Keeley didn't even notice the person standing in the doorway.

"Thats a nice song."

Keeley looked up and see a girl around her age or probably a year younger with blonde hair standing in the doorway. She felt her cheeks warm up.

"Thanks but it was barely audible, " she mumbled. "Oh, don't be like that, it was good, if it helps anyway I sing too. My name's Beth," she said as she sat down in the chair next to the bed. "I'm Keeley."

"Nice to meet you, Keeley. I kinda know your name, I heard your Mom and Dad talking about you to my Daddy. How are you feeling by the way?" she asked Keeley and by the tone of her voice, she actually sounded concerned.

"I'm feeling a little better, the pain only hurts if I move too much. But other than that I- I'm fine. Hershel's your Dad?"

"Yeah, I'm the youngest. Maggie's the oldest, now, " Beth said in a quiet voice as she looked down. "I'm sorry about your friend, " Keeley said breaking the silence.

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