ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟛𝟚: 𝕎𝕖𝕝𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕋𝕠 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕠𝕞𝕓𝕤

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It's been a while since they heard from Andrea and Keeley started to get worried but everyone tried to reassure her that Andrea was fine, but Keeley had a feeling in her gut that she wasn't.

Rick made everyone pack a bag just in case if they really needed to go.

Keeley was putting a pair of jeans in her back bag when the picture of Manny and her fell out of the pocket.

She bent down to pick it up but someone beat her to it. Keeley looked up to see Beth examining the picture.

"Who's the cute boy?" Beth asked as she handed it to Keeley after looking at it for what felt like forever.

She wanted to tell Beth who he really was but if she did that then Keeley would've had to explain everything and she didn't want to do that, so she told Beth what really was the truth.

"He was my best friend," The brunette told her.

She faked having a shocked face. "What? You had a friend before all of this? I don't believe it." Beth said sarcastically.

"Haha, very funny. Jokes on you though I had two best friends before you. And gross, he is not cute." Keeley said tucking the photo in her bag.

"Was he your boyfriend?" Beth asked and Keeley swore to God she almost threw up in her mouth. "I'm done with this conversation, goodbye," Keeley told her before slinging her bag on her shoulder, walking out of the cell. She noticed Daryl leaning against the railing on the perch and Keeley walked up the stairs towards him.

She never really got that chance to talk to him ever since he came back from finding out that his brother was killed and turned by the Governor.

Keeley leaned on the railing next to him and stood there for a couple of minutes before breaking the silence, "I'm sorry about your brother."

"You don't have to be sorry," Daryl said in his raspy accent. "You've really didn't know him or met him properly until a couple of days ago." He said snappy but Keeley could tell it was unintentional.

"Actually I have met him before," She confessed. "Back in Atlanta, I was the one who slammed his gun in his face and that's when Dad handcuffed Merle to the roof." He didn't say anything as she continued talking.

"And I actually am sorry about your loss, I know how it feels to lose a brother. You're one of the few people who know that."

Daryl put a hand on her back to comfort her as he sighed. "Come on, kid. The others are waiting for us."


Keeley was walking with Michonne to the car while Carl was in front of them, ignoring Rick as he called his name out.

Carl was mad that he had to leave with the others while the rest of them including Keeley defended the prison. He's been taking it out on all of them not only their father.

Keeley walked up to Rick as Glenn approached them. "I've never seen him this mad." Glenn pointed out. "Even with Lori. He just shut down."

"He's still a kid." Rick defended. "It's easy to forget," He said before slamming the hood of a car shut and walking away.

"He hasn't cried since Mom died," Keeley informed Glenn. "He's bottling everything up and one of these days he's gonna burst. I feel like it's my fault, he's picked up the worse thing I could do.

"It's not your fault, Keeley. Just look out for him, " Glenn said.

"Don't worry, I am," She said before grabbing her rifle and following him. "I am."

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