ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟟: 𝔹𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔸𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕝𝕤

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It was a dreadful morning, no one said anything as Daryl, T-Dog, and Shane came back from doing a perimeter check, trying to figure out how a walker was able to get onto the farm.

Keeley didn't pay any attention to Rick's speech during the funeral. She kept zoning out. Lately, everything has taken a toll on her mental health, the camp massacre, the CDC exploding, Sophia's death, learning about how her mother and brother died, Randal, and now Dale.

Who could blame her, no sane person could handle that let alone a freshly turned twenty-year-old. Just every dreadful thing that has happened over the last couple of weeks, Keeley was pretty sure she couldn't handle another thing.

Especially Andrea.

She lost her sister and now Dale. Andrea had no one now. After the events of last night, Andrea sobbed into Keeley's arms and this morning she couldn't even take a step towards the RV without breaking down thinking about the old man.

After the funeral, Rick went to speak with Hershel. "Gonna be tight, fitting 14 people in one house."

"Don't worry about that, " Hershel advised. "With the swap hardening, and the creek drying up..."

"With 50 head of cattle on the property, we might as well be ringing a damn dinner bell," Maggie interjected.

"She's right. We should've moved you in a while ago." Hershel stated.

"All right, let's move the vehicles near each of the doors facing out toward the road.lRick said giving out directions to them.

Keeley started walking away with Beth, "So, I know we're out here for the wrong reasons, but how does it feel to leave the house?" Keeley said trying to start a conversation with her. To be honest, she didn't want to do anything, all Keeley wanted to do was mourn Dale how by locking herself in a dark room, no one bothering her for hours as she cried, but that wasn't going to help anyone, especially her.

"It's nice feeling the sun again, it feels comforting in a way."

The brunette smiled at the blonde, "I'm glad you're okay, Beth."

"Me too."


For the past hour or so, Keeley and Beth hanged out. Both girls needed a little fun after everything so they joked and laughed, feeling like they were two little girls at a sleepover having the time of their lives.

The girls heard a knock on the door and stopped giggling and tried to act serious as Maggie slowly opened the door with a confused look on her face. "The hell is going on in here?" Both tried to keep a straight face but as soon as Beth and Keeley made eye contact with each other, they busted out laughing. "Well, I'm glad some people are enjoying themselves. Rick sent me to get you both so you could help Jimmy board up the windows."

The girls shared one more laugh before heading downstairs with Maggie.


After finishing boarding up the windows, Beth and Jimmy went somewhere to do something that didn't involve Keeley. She sat on the porch chair, taking in the scenery with Andrea. Lately, Keeley and Andrea had been spending more time together.

She guessed losing people who were important to them does that. Both women talked about their deceased siblings, sharing stories about them before the world went to shit. They were soon interrupted by T-Dog yelling for Rick. The women ran outside to see what was happening and Keeley's heart dropped at T-Dog's next words.

"He's gone! Randal's gone!"

"Gone? What do you mean gone?" Daryl asked, instead of answering, T-Dog lead them to the shed where they saw blood on the floor and Randal missing.

"¡Gran! ¡Esta es gran!" Keeley yelled in frustration. " She walked out of the shed and saw the others running outside towards them.

"What's wrong?" Maggie asked Keeley, "Randall's missing."

"Missing? How?"

"No sé, Maggie, pero ahora que lo pienso, dondé es Shane? ¿Cómo diablos nadie se da cuenta de que un psicópata y una comadreja desaparecen? ¿En serio?"

"Keeley english!"

"Sorry i forget to switch!"

"How longs he been missing?" Hershel asked. Everyone started asking so many questions that Keeley didn't have answers to.

Rick walked out of the shed, "The cuffs are still hooked. He must've slipped 'em." That put everyone in a panic. "Is that possible?" Carol questioned. Andrea came out of the shed. "It is if you've got nothing to lose."

"The door was secured from the outside," Hershel informed.

"Is no one going to talk about the fact that Randall and Shane are gone?" Keeley mentioned again.


"Well speak of the devil and he shall appear..."

Everyone ran towards a bloody Shane, while Keeley walked.

"What happened?" Lori yelled. "He's armed!" Shane announced. "Perfect!" Keeley yelled back.

"He's got my gun!"

Of course, he does.

"Are you okay?" Carl asked. "I'm fine. Little bastard just snuck up on me. He clocked me in the face."

"All right, Hershel, T-Dog, get everybody back in the house. Glenn, Daryl, come with us."

Lori grabbed Carl's hand and Keeley grabbed the other while Glenn tried to advise Maggie that he will be fine.

"T, I'm gonna need that gun," Shane ordered. "Just let him go," Carol said trying to convince everyone to cancel the manhunt. "That was the plan, wasn't it, to just let him go?"

"Carol, he just attacked Shane. If we don't find him, he might come back with his group." Keeley tried explaining."But how does he know where we are ?" Lori asked.

"He told us that his family used to bring him to church when he was little. Specifically, the same church Maggie used to go to and keep in mind he knows Keeley."Rick told them. "Get everybody back in the house. Lock all the doors and stay put!"

One group ran towards the woods and the other group ran back towards the house. Tension and panic filled the air.


Keeley was downstairs helping Lori set up the couch while the others grabbed supplies just in case of anything.

"Keeley, where's Carl?" Lori asked her. "He said that he was gonna take a nap upstairs. Said he didn't feel good." She nodded her head at Keeley, as Hershel started talking to her.

"Keeley, grab the first aid kit that's in the back room and bring it here. Just in case when the others come back and they are hurt."

She gave him two-finger guns, " Gotcha."

"Um, I didn't know which first aid you were talking about, so I grabbed the first three I saw."

He didn't have time to answer as two loud gunshots went off.

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