Jorge's Secret

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Just to specify, I will be doing this story in the perspective of both Benji and Jeyjey. I'll clarify who's perspective it is in the beginning of the chapter. Anyways, thank you so much for reading!! ♡
          I didn't realize how fast summer would go by. There is only 2 more weeks of summer left, and I'm dreading the start of the school year. It's my first year of real high school, since my school starts with Sophomore year. But at least I would have Corbin, my older brother, by my side. He's a Junior, and is the best at giving advice. Ever since my parents divorce about a year ago, we have been really close. Before that, I would've never expected us to be such good friends. But Corbin splits his time between two people now. Me, and his best friend Benji. Benji is a player, I know that much. I didn't think he'd care about my existence but he's actually really sweet when you get to know him. I myself think he just has problems with commitment when it comes to relationships.
          Corbin and I, as close as we are, there is one secret I will never tell him. I have a huge crush on his best friend. I'm just too unsure of what he'd think about it. He could be mad. He might not allow me to date him, or even worse, never allow me to see him again. Plus, even if he supported me, Benji would never feel the same way. He is straight after all, and even though the relationship I have with him is simple and it's not like we even talk that often, I wouldn't wanna lose what we have over my stupid crush. It is just a crush. Right?
Sorry this chapter is so short. It's the first one and I just wanted to give a little bit of background on the situation before I continued with the actual story. I will be updating as quickly as possible. Hopefully every day if I can. I do home school so I have a lot of spare time. Thank you so much for reading - bye luvs! 😙✌️♡
word count: 365

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