Party Fever

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(Btw this chapter refers to "Chase" and when I say Chase I mean Chase Keith NOT Lil huddy cause Lil huddy will never be brought up in this fanfic) :))

After we left the Christmas lights I called Corbin to come and pick us up. Our friend Syd was throwing a Christmas party tonight, and I knew Jorge loved party's.

Corbin arrived and we got in the car, glad to be out of the cold. Jorge snuggled into me in the back seat, and I put my arm around him once again, holding him closely. I rubbed his back soothingly to warm him up. It was always hard for him to get warm because he was so skinny.

When we got to the party Jorge immediately got out of the car and dragged me inside my my hand. It was still kinda early so people were just starting to show up. Corbin came in with drinks, which he had been in charge of, and we helped him organize them on the island counter.

"Hey guys! This party's gonna be fucking huge!" Syd said walking into the kitchen.

"Yeah Syd, this is awesome." I said enthusiastically. I felt Jorge curl his fingers around mine. I squeezed his small hand gently and rubbed circles on the side of it with my thumb.

"Actually though. I texted the whole school, and even kids from two cities away are talking about it." Syd had a huge house, perfect for parties. It had 4 floors, not including the basement. Corbin started having a a separate conversation with Syd, and Jorge lead me away.

He walked me up the stairs to the second floor. We stopped halfway down the hallway and he stopped at a door to open it. We stepped into a large bathroom with tons of space to move around. He pushed me against the door, closing and locking it in the process. I kissed him passionately, and placed my hands on his hips. I turned him around, not breaking the kiss, and lifted him by his waist so that he was sitting on the counter with me in between his thighs. He soon pulled away from our heated make out and put his lips against my neck, sucking harshly, sure to leave a few bruises. I gasped and put my hands in his hair. I pulled his face back up to mine and kissed him for a few seconds before moving my own lips to his neck. I hit a sweet spot, and sucked there, earning a few quiet moans from him. He put one hand in my hair and slowly snaked his other hand down to my jeans, giving me goosebumps. He palmed me teasingly and I'm not gonna lie, I wanted him so badly, but I wasn't gonna do this in a bathroom. I wanted to make the next time we did anything perfect, and romantic, and comfortable. And this bathroom sink was definitely no where near that.

I shivered and grasped his wrist gently, breathing hard against his neck.

"J-Jorge." He looked up at me worriedly.

"I'm sorry, I should've asked you before I-"

"No, no Jorge. You're perfectly fine. I want you so badly. But the party is just starting, and I don't wanna do this in a bathroom" I said giggling slightly. "And plus.. I have other stuff planned for us tomorrow.." I smirked at him, showing my teethe a little, and biting my lip.

"Do you though?" He licked his lips seductively. I grinded myself against him slightly, grunting, and earning a low moan from him.

"Does that answer your question?" He didn't respond and instead rolled his eyes as he slipped himself off the countertop. He embraced me for a minute, his head in my chest, before he pulled away grabbing my hand. We left the bathroom and went back downstairs.

There was many more people here now than when we had gotten here. Most of them had drinks in their hands, and were either dancing, or talking in groups. We went to the kitchen and I poured us both a drink. I made sure to choose a drink without alcohol in it for myself. I wanted to be sure I was able to take care of Jorge if anything happened. I handed him his cup and we went back upstairs to the big living room where we knew Syd would be spending most of his time. Syd and Corbin were there along with Xowie, Avani, Antonio, Cayman, and Chase.

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