Benji's Bear Hugs

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          "Oh god. Well, how do you feel?" Corbin asked. "Ugh it was awful."
          "Awful? Why?"
          "Because I don't like him! I love Noen, but I never wanted a romantic relationship with him! Now it's ruined." I said damply.
          "Jorge, I'm sure it hasn't ruined your friendship. I'm sure if Noen really cared about your relationship, he wouldn't just stop being friends with you over a simple miscommunication."
          "Ugh you don't understand. You should've seen his face."
          "He'll be okay. Don't beat yourself up over it. It's not your fault you don't feel the same way. You can't control your feelings Jorge. That's just not how it works unfortunately."
          "I wanna crawl in a hole and never come out." I whimpered.
          "Come here" he said soothingly.
          I scooted towards him and hugged for a few moments before letting go.
          "Corbin? Jorge? Can I come in?" I heard a concerned Benji say, muffled because he was outside my door. I didn't even realize he was here since I had come upstairs so fast.
          "Come in" I said softly.
          Benji walked in and looked at me with pity in his eyes. Corbin walked out and nodded towards Benji. He closed the door behind him. Benji gestured for me to get up. He walked over to me and wrapped me up in his strong arms. I cried with my face submerged in his chest, hoping the scent of his cologne would calm me down. I appreciated the fact that he just held me. It was what I needed at the moment, and somehow he knew that. I engulfed myself into him, holding him as tight as I could while shook with silent sobs. I always loved his huge bear hugs. After a few minutes he let go, and I stepped back slightly to look up at him.
          "Jey, it's okay. I heard the whole thing. I know I shouldn't have listened in. It was none of my business but I-" he stopped to look at my plaintive complexion. "I just needed to make sure you were okay.. after.. well, after you walked in you just looked so upset. I'm sorry."
          I shook my head. "N-no, it's okay. I'm glad you care." He pulled me in for another tight hug. I just felt so safe in his arms, and I was grateful for Benji being there. After I stopped my incessant sniffling, he let me go. He looked down at me and wiped away the few tears left on my face, taking my hand and leading me downstairs, where Corbin was setting up a movie, the smell of popcorn in the air.
          "It seemed like you were having a rough time, so we thought maybe a movie would help." Benji said willfully. I smiled. We got our popcorn and chose our seats. Me and Benji lied down on the smaller couch, with Corbin on one of the recliners. As we watched the movie, I noticed my eyes getting heavy. It was pretty late at this point, and with all the crying, my eyes had already been puffy. And before I knew it, my head was on Benji's lap. He rubbed my shoulder softly. It was so soothing after the night I had just had. I fell asleep in Benji's arms. Oh how good it felt to be there. He was just so perfect with his soft tufts of hair, and chocolatey eyes. And so beautiful.
Sorry this chapter is kinda short, but I really liked this one :) hope you guys did too
Bye luvs 😙✌️♡♡
Word count: 594

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