Christmas Lights

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We got into the car with Corbin. We decided to take the back seat so we could still be close to each other. I got in first, and Jorge followed me, cuddling into me as if he would never be able to again. I put my arm around him and smiled to myself, happy that we were good again.

We were going to a specific place that I knew Jeyjey loved. The town Christmas lights. Christmas was a week away, and it was only today that it started to snow for the first time this winter.

When we finally got there I stepped out of the car and held a hand out for Jorge. He grabbed it and smiled at me as I helped him stand up out of the car.

"You brought me here?" He said, looking around eagerly.

"Y-yeah.. I thought you'd like it" I said hesitantly. I hoped he wasn't disappointed in my choice of location.

"Oh gosh Benji, I just-" he stopped and looked at me longingly. "Thank you, Benji. I love this place" I reached out my hand once again, and he gently took a hold of it, and squeezed it lovingly.

Corbin left, probably not wanting to third wheel the whole night, though he said he "already had plans", I didn't really believe him.

We started walking. I kept a steady eye on Jorge, as he eyed every creature and structure that the lights were assembled in.

"He let go of my hand and went to look at a specific one. I hadn't been paying attention to anything but him, so I went over to the fence where he was standing, and traced his line of vision to a heart, next to a rainbow flag, and an illustration of a gay cartoon couple, kissing. He smiled to himself and turned back to me, reaching his own hand out. I grabbed it and we continued the rest of the walk to the end of the light show, and the entrance to a local outdoor shopping mall. At the end of the path, there was a gazebo, completely cover in pretty, white lights. He guided me in and stopped right in the middle. I was silently thanking the universe for the absence of any visitors.

"Benji, I missed you so goddamn much. I don't know how I'd live without you."

"I love you so much Jey. Those days without you were agonizing."

"Yeah, they were for me too." His eyes filled with thankful tears as he smiled at me. I gently placed my hand on his jaw, and pulled him close, kissing him for as long as I could. And this kiss wasn't full of lust and need. It was passionate, and sweet. When we pulled away, I pulled him in for a hug, and I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck, and he wrapped his around my upper body while he buried his face in my chest.

"I love you, Jey"

"I love 𝘺𝘰𝘶, Benji"

We walked out of the gazebo hand in hand. He looked so, so pretty with all the Christmas lights glistening in his eyes. I loved this boy more than I could handle.

Ahh. I'm so sorry I've been so inactive lately. I've had a hard time figuring out where I wanted this story to go and I wasn't motivated at all. But I've got sort of an idea now, and there will for sure be one or two more updates in the next few hours. Love you guys and omg TYSM for 2k! I'm so happy. Also my older sister and my mom found and read this story and I am very VERY UNCOMFY right now cause of it 😀👍
anyways ily guys sm ♡♡

Word count:629

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