The Dance and Confession

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          The dance. The dance.. I lied in bed for what felt like hours trying to gather my thoughts. How was I possibly gonna do this? It really shouldn't be as bad as I'm making it out to be, but I'm terrified. Everyone will make fun of me for being alone. I got up, tired of laying down and headed for my shower. Maybe it would clear my head. But after getting out of the shower, my mind was still fuzzy. I didn't know what else to do so I went downstairs to eat.
          "Hey Jorge, you excited for the dance?" Corbin said obnoxiously.

          "Not in the slightest, but I'm being forced to go soo.."

          "I'm only making you go for your own good. I promise you, you won't regret it."

          "I hope" I said dryly, devoid of any visible emotion. "It'll be funnn." Grabbing my arm and swinging it around. He dragged out the word attempting to emphasize it, but at the moment, I didn't even feel like I knew what "fun" was (That's a little over dramatic but idc 😗).

          "Whatever you say." I said with a blank face as I finished my cereal. I didn't even finish. I had lost my appetite. I ran up the stairs to my room to avoid talking to anyone else. But as soon as I got to my room I just wanted to go to bed.

           For the rest of the day until Fall Ball lied in bed thinking. I probably fell asleep a few times because the day went by awfully fast. Corbin came into my room and I sat up to look at him, annoyed.

           "We're leaving in 30 minutes so, might wanna get ready." I gave him a simple nod as he left the room. Not wanting to be any more embarrassed than I already would be, I put on a nice shirt with a belt and pants with my favorite converse. I didn't like suits, they weren't the best look on me. I fixed up my hair, added a bit of foundation to cover up my blemishes and a bit of blush with some sparkle on top. Hopefully I looked good enough. With that, I grabbed my phone and left my room.

           "Hey Corbin, I'm ready if you are" I called into his room. He opened the door as soon as I finished my sentence.

           "Ooo Jorge you clean up good. You look really good bro"

         "You too man."

         "Thanks" he aimed a smile towards me which I didn't return, and we left.

          Here we were. My first high school dance, and I was nothing but petrified. But I told myself I'd be fine, and forced myself to walk inside the drunken teen infested school.

          As I walked inside the school, the bitter smell of alcohol and sweaty teens filled my nostrils. I was already dizzy, not to mention the pounding headache I felt coming on with the booming music.

          "I'm going to go find Rylee!" Corbin tried to yell over the our screeching classmates.

          "Can I-!" Corbin must've thought I said yes cause he scurried away before I could finish my sentence. Great. Now I didn't even have Corbin with me. I went over to the bleachers hoping I could find somewhere to sit without looking like a loser.

          Once I found a place to sit down, I put on my AirPods and tried to play some music to drown out the annoying music ringing throughout the speakers in the gym. It didn't work that well, but it at least canceled out the sound of screaming students. As I closed my eyes I got lost in thoughts. I felt a sudden warmth on my upper thigh, and immediately squished my legs together. I opened my eyes quickly and looked up to see an unfamiliar guy who looked to be a senior. He was scrawny, but bigger than I was. I took out my AirPods to say something.

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