Sensitive Spots

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Note: there will be a lot of POV changes in this chapter because I want certain elements to hit a specific way. I'll let y'all know when it changes tho. Also MATURE SCENE WARNING ⚠️ there will be sexual things in this chapter. If you wanna just skip over them I will put warnings where the scene starts and ends ♡


The credits started, and I couldn't hold back a smile. I loved that movie, and the way it ended. I realized I had spaced out when Benji closed the laptop softly and put it on the floor next to the bed.

"You feeling better baby?"

"Yeah, I'm feeling a lot better now."

"Good." He smiled big. "By the way my parents won't be home till late and Rowy is sleeping over with a friend, so we got the house to ourselves."


I smiled at him. He looked at me with eyes full of lust. He leaned in and kissed me softly. He slowly flipped me over so I was on my back, and climbed on top of me so he was straddling my thighs. I gasped as he gently squeezed my waist and he slipped his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues danced. He pulled off his shirt. He went back to kiss me and hiked up the bottom of my shirt before pulling it off the rest of the way. After it was off he put his hands on either side of my neck and pulled me impossibly closer. He pulled away and sucked my neck, being sure to leave a few hickeys. Every time he would suck hard, and then ease the spots burn with his tongue. He layed me back down on the bed and kissed all over my body, till he got to my boxers. I breathed heavily, and closed my eyes for a minute before looking up at the ceiling, trying to tell myself not to be a coward.
Pretty soon Benji stopped kissing my stomach and I looked down at him.

"I'm sorry, is this okay?"

"Yes, god yes." I was trying to hard not to turn him off, because truthfully, I did not want him to stop. No one else could make me feel the way he did. But I was afraid.

"Then, what's wrong. I know it's your first time, but I can tell that you're nervous." I sat up and he gave me a worried look.

"I'm just scared I guess." My cheeks went pink and embarrassment engulfed me.

"For what part my love?" He said putting his hands on my waist.

"I don't know. Well, I'm nervous for you to see me.." I looked up at him. "And, doesn't it hurt?"

"Well firstly, I saw you last night. And you never have to be self-conscious around me. I would never judge you. I think you're beautiful. And second, you know I would never hurt you on purpose right? And I'll stop at any point if you're uncomfortable, or if it hurts. Just tell me to stop and I will, okay?"

"Okay." I kissed him again, and he kissed me lovingly back.

He got up and took off his sweat pants and boxers. I looked down at his exposed body. His cheeks went bright red. I got on my knees and kissed him from the bed. I pulled him back on the bed and he got on top of me once again, leaving a trail of kisses down my body. When he got to my boxers he grabbed the top and looked at me for permission. I nodded, and he proceeded to pull them down. I blushed, and he looked down at the sight in front of him. He made wet kisses up my thigh..


I kissed up his thigh, knowing that it would be very sensitive. I watched him as I did so. He moaned softly. I kissed a few more times and all of the sudden, he winced at my kiss. Worried I had hurt him, I looked down. There was a dark bruise high on his inner thigh. Oh god.

"Jorge?" He looked down at me and I saw his eyes fill with tears. I moved myself so I was back straddling his thighs again, and pulled him into my arms. "That's from Jaden, isn't it?" He nodded and pulled away from my arms.
I felt so bad.

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