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It was Saturday morning. I knew what I would do. I had told Corbin last night about my whole situation, and he agreed to help me do something for Jorge. I looked at my cat who was snuggled up next to me on my bed, who looked up at me as I sat up. I sent her a fake smile, rubbing my eyes, not wanting to cry again for the millionth time this week.

          I got up and got on a purple sweater. I grabbed out another I knew Jorge loved, hoping to see him wearing it later today..
I also pulled on some black ripped jeans and my favorite chain. Today needed to be perfect.
My parents were out of town for the whole weekend so things would be really easy. After I did this, I fixed my hair as best as I could, and applied some blush, and sparkly powder.

          Corbin said he would take Jorge out to breakfast, so I could sneak into their house to surprise Jorge. I got in the car, taking a deep breathe to prepare myself for the roller coaster of a day ahead. I went to a nice jewelry store, and bought 2 necklaces, each with one side of a heart that connected to the other. I had the jeweler put Jorges favorite color mineral on each; 2 beautiful blue sapphires. After I went to the local market, and bought a bouquet of roses I knew Jorge would love. They smelled perfect.

          I finally arrived at Jorge and Corbins house. Their parents were both at work, and wouldn't be home till late. I put on one half of the necklace, and placed the other nicely in the little box it had come in.

          I felt my hands become instantaneously sweaty as I heard a car door shut. I peaked through the curtains and saw Jorge and Corbin gathering their things and heading for the door. I fiddled nervously. I really hoped Jorge wouldn't be upset that I was here. At least not after I explained why I was here.

          I went to the kitchen, where me and Corbin had decided I would go when they got there. I prepared the bouquet and my heart started reading as I heard the front door open. I took deep breaths and awaited the inevitable conversation.

          I heard footsteps coming towards the kitchen, and I held my breath. I looked up to see Jorge obliviously walking into the kitchen. He hadn't noticed I was there yet, as he was staring down at his phone as he sat his things on the counter, his back to me. I didn't want to startle him, so I waited for him to notice my presence.

          He turned around and jumped slightly, looking at me, stunned.

         "Benji what are you doing here?" He said. I could hear his breathing getting increasingly fast and he stared at me at a loss for words.

          "Jorge.. I-" I stopped and took a breath, then let it out. "I'm so sorry for everything that has happened. I promise you, I would never say anything bad about you." I talked meaningfully, not wanting to sound like I was just defending myself. "I love you so, so much. I have for a really long time. And I hope, you'll forgive our situation." He stared at me longingly. "I took care of Addy. She won't bother you anymore.." I handed him the flowers as I felt my hands shake, afraid for what he'd say next. He took the bouquet from me, and smiled as he smelled them. I turned around and put my hands on the edge of the stove. I leaned there, unable to hold back my tears anymore.

          Not soon after I felt Jorge hug me from behind, a I buried my face in my hands. I didn't want to cry, or make this about myself. I felt so stupid, but I couldn't help it now.

          "I'm s-sorry J-Jeyjey" I could barely speak through my tears, Jey hugged me tighter.
He turned me around and pulled my hands away from my face gently. I looked at him through blurry eyes, not wanting him to see me like this. He looked at me sadly, and moved his hand to my face to wipe my tears away, though they didn't stop new ones from falling. He kept his hand on my cheek and I my head fell to his shoulder, hugging him closely. I was afraid it was something I would never be able to do again. But he hugged me back, and kissed my cheek forgivingly, as he allowed me to soak his t-shirt in my tears.

          "I missed you Benji. I'm sorry I reacted that way." He whispered, only for me to hear.

          "You had every right to react the way you did" I said, still sniffling as I lifted my head from his shoulder.

          "I'm still sorry." He wiped the tears gently away from my face once again, before giving me a long, meaningful kiss.

          "I got us these.." I showed him my necklace and reached behind my back to grab the box with his necklace from my pocket. I knelt down on one knee and opened the box.

          "Jorge Garay Dicenta.." he smiled at me, his hands covering the obvious smile that he couldn't seem to contain on his mouth. "will you be my boyfriend?"

          "Yes!" He said, rubbing a single tear from his eyes. He bent down and gave me a kiss on my head, burying his face in my hair as he hugged me, while I hugged his lower body.

           I got up and gently put the necklace around his neck, before placing my hand on the back of his neck and softly pulling him in for another kiss.

          "So, you guys good now?" Corbin entered the room and we looked away from each other to look at him.

          "We're amazing." Jorge responded.

          "Well cool, now let's go whores" he said as he exited the room.

          "Where are we going?" Jey asked me as I grasped his waist pulling him closer.

          "Just somewhere." I smiled at him and kissed his forehead, then lead him to the front door.

          "Do you wanna wear this?" I held out his favorite purple sweater of mine.

          "Yes!" He said squealing. I put it over his head and he put it on the rest of the way. He jumped into my arms and I picked him up effortlessly, as I walked through the door
Omggg I loved this chapter so so much. I finally got some actual motivation to write and I'm rlly proud of this one ☺️. I started a new book full of short stories about Benjey that you should go read 😉 Anyways, another chapter coming soon, and more drama awaits 🤫
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TYSM for 1.5k reads!! I'm so so thankful 🥰
I love you guys smm bye luvss ♡♡
Word count: 1161

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