Don't ask, just tell.

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          Tomorrow is the fall ball. Fun, I guess. I'm not going even if Corbin literally drags me out of my room. It's fine. Only 30 more minutes till lunchtime. Then I can ditch the rest of the day.

As soon as the bell rang I ran to the lunchroom, waiting for an opportunity to get out of there.

          "Jeyjey? Where are you going?"

          "Benji? Oh uh.. I don't really feel like dealing with school. I'm going home."

          "Are you okay? You seem kinda uneasy."

          "Ehh I'm fine I guess. Just stressed about Fall Ball."

         "Oh.. why?"

          "Well, Corbin is pretty much forcing me to go even though I don't have a date or anything. I'm just preparing myself for the embarrassment of being only one there without one."

          "Jorge, theres always plenty of people there alone. Some even prefer to find a date at the dance itself"

          "Mmmmm." I avoided making eye contact with him.

          "Besides I know someone who would like to go with you" he said excitedly.

          "Oh my god really?? Who?!"

          "I-uhh-I-I gotta go."


          I walked away quickly, not giving Jorge a chance to say anything. Ugh, I hate myself.

(Time skip)

          "Benji what the hell?!??" That was your chance to finally ask him out!" Corbin scolded me in my room.

          "I know I know. I said it without thinking! Why am I so stupid"

          "Yeah I wonder" I threw a pencil at him playfully, a smile on my face that didn't reach my eyes.

          "What do I do though? He's all I've ever wanted. I feel like I'll never be able to tell him though."

           "You will. Tomorrow."

          "Tomorrow?!?" I questioned. "But tomorrow is the dance!"

          "Exactly. That way, I can make sure you do."

          "Corbin no, I can't tell him."

          "Benji, it's either you tell him, risk a little awkwardness, and he'll probably like you back. OR you don't to not risk the awkwardness, but you'll also lose any chance you'd had of being with him." He was right. I needed to make a move if I wanted to have any chance with him.

          "So I'll tell him at the dance."

          "So you'll tell him at the dance."
Ooooo things are getting tenseeee. This was really short but I really liked this one ☝️. Thank you so much for reading! Bye luvs!! 😙✌️♡♡
Word count: 394

Brothers Best Friend - BenjeyWhere stories live. Discover now