The Morning After

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          I woke up alone in the guest bed. As I sat up I began to remember the events of last night. How we watched a movie, and Corbin fell asleep.. and when Benji and me slept together. It's not like we had sex, we just, slept in the same bed. But realizing I was only In my underwear, my face immediately flushed in embarrassment, and I quickly left the room and went into mine to get some clothes on. As I was pulling my shirt over my head, I heard a knock on my door.
         "Oh uh come in" I said nervously, hoping it wasn't Benji. But I was filled with relief at the sight of Corbin at my door. "Oh hey um what do you need?"
          "I was just wondering if you knew where Benji was."
          "Oh I don't know. He wasn't there when I-" I stopped there realizing how confused Corbin would be if I said me and Benji slept in the same bed, so I didn't say anything about it.
          "When I woke up."
          "Oh." He said with a look on his face I couldn't understand. "Well what happened last night anyways? I'm pretty sure I fell asleep before you two. What'd you do after?"
          "I just uh-w-we just went to bed that's all." I stumbled over my words, hoping that Corbin wouldn't think much of it.
          "Mhm. Where'd Benji sleep?"
          "I don't know I just went to bed. He might've slept in one of the guest bedrooms" I said flatly.
          "Oh yeah. I think the one down the hall. I checked in there and the bad wasn't made so," I gulped in relief that he didn't recall me and Benji's snuggle session.
           "Yea probably. Well, I gotta um, get in the shower so.."
           "Okay well I'll see you after I get home from work I guess then."
After getting out of the shower I sat in my room, confused about everything. Why did Benji wanna sleep in the same bed? What did he mean when he talked about my nonexistent love life? He had just been acting so weird lately, and I think I might've just been thinking about it too much, but I couldn't help but doubt it.
I know this chapter was super short but I just wanted to give a little filler chapter. But I'll probably update again today. Thanks for reading! Bye luvs 😙✌️♡
Word count: 402

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