Simple Lies

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I said I was gonna update tomorrow but I really love writing this and idc soo here's another chapter for ya! ♡
It was Saturday. School starts on Monday and I had just gotten my schedule. Corbin had generously offered to show me around the school and help me find my classes after he got off of work so I wouldn't be as antsy the first day. I was already feeling the embarrassment of me walking into the wrong class or doing literally anything else wrong and was mortified that I would screw something, ANYTHING up. But I knew at least Corbin would be there to help me through the first day or two, no matter how shitty they would turn out to be.
I was looking through my schedule on a paper when Corbin barged into my room. I hadn't even noticed that he was home.
"What the hell dude I texted you like 7 times. I was waiting for you in the car."
"Oh sorry. I think I left my phone downstairs."
"It's fine. Let's just get going. I have to pick Benji up from his game."
"Benji? Is he coming with us?"
"Uh yeah, is that okay?" Corbin said. I didn't think he would care what my answer was so I just went with something simple.
"Oh it's fine I was just wondering."
"Mmk. Well c'mon let's go."
I grabbed my schedule and we headed out the door. I got in the backseat, I thought Benji would like to sit up front with Corbin.
"Hey guysss" Benji said excitedly as he jumped into the car.
"Hey Benji." Corbin said. I didn't really figure that Benji was much aiming this towards me. I don't really think he considers me a friend. Well, maybe, at least after what he said when he drove me home a couple weeks ago. That had been the last time I saw him, and I forgot how much his voice gave me butterflies since then.
"So Jorge, are you excited?" Benji suddenly asked. His question caught me off guard. He typically didn't pay much attention to me when he was around Corbin.
"I mean not really. Who's actually excited for school anyways."
"Well I guess, but it's gonna be your first year of high school! I just thought you'd be a little more enthusiastic" Benji laughed.

"Yeah not really." I chuckled sarcastically.

The rest of the drive Corbin and Benji talked about random subjects that I didn't really pay attention to. I was too busy scrolling through Benji's Instagram, practically drooling over his pictures.
When we got to the school I was already feeling overwhelmed at the sight of it. It was so much bigger compared to the previous schools I'd been to. We walked inside and the two took hold of my schedule and talked over how they would show me around. I just continued looking around, aware of anyone who I caught sight of.
"Okay let's start with the main hall"
They continued to show me around and I listened to what they were saying, but my mind was mostly wondering off topic. About halfway through their tour of the school Corbin said he needed to use the bathroom and headed for it.
"So Jorge do you like anyone right now?" His question baffled me.
"Uh-I-um n-no. N-Not really anyway" I stuttered.
"Really? You don't seem so sure" Benji gave me an innocent smile.
"I don't know. I mean I just don't really have a chance with them. Not that I have a chance with anyone." I sighed.
"I'm sure anyone you liked would consider themselves lucky." The way he emphasized "you" made me a little dizzy, and I grabbed a nearby locker to balance myself.
"No I don't think they wo-" Benji interrupted me.
"Look more on the bright side. You can't know that for sure."
"How can I not be?"
"Well, have you ever been with anyone?"
"Mmm. Not really"
"Well we will see about tha-" Benji stopped talking as Corbin came out of the bathroom making the hallway go silent. What did he mean by that?
"Whatcha guys talking about?"
"Oh uh nothing." I responded before Benji had the chance to say anything.
"Uh ok. Well let's keep going I guess." We finished up the tour with some time to spare before dinner. We grabbed a quick meal from the drive through of McDonald's and drove back to me and Corbins house.
"Should we watch a movie? You could sleepover Benji, our parents won't be home until tomorrow night." Corbin announced.
"Yeah sure! What should we watch?"Benji asked happily.
"What about a scary movie?" I asked. They both agreed and we found one to watch. Corbin went to go make popcorn while I collected some fuzzy blankets and a few pillows. I got back into the living rooms and started setting up before Corbin got back with the Popcorn. In our living room we have four reclining chairs and a long couch, as well as a shorter love seat. Benji was sitting on the right side of the love seat when I got back into the room.
I started setting up a place to kick back on the large couch when Benji spoke up.
"Come sit with me Jeyjey!" Benji's said enthusiastically.
"You really want me to?"
"Uhh hell yeah" Benji responded. I got a two blankets but then Benji grabbed a big one.
"Here let's use this one, it'll cover us both, that way we won't have to use separate blankets."
"Oh okay." My heart began pounding as I sat down next to benji and started making my way under the covers. It was a bit cold in the room.
"Look at you two getting all cozy" Corbin smirked as he walked into the room with two big bowls of popcorn. Me and Benji both rolled our eyes annoyedly as he handed Benji one of the bowls for us to share.
Halfway through the movie Corbin began snoring loudly, as he always did.
"Geez, he must've been hella bored to be asleep already." Benji laughed quietly, trying not to wake him up.
"Yeah haha." I replied. Oh god. This made me ten times more nervous. Now me and Benji were practically alone together, under the same blanket. I shivered and Benji slowly put his warm arm around me. I had to do a double take with my mind to really believe what had just happened. Had he really just put his arm around me?? This can't be real. I have to be dreaming or something. I guess he noticed I was spacing out frantically (if that makes any sense) because just then he began to speak.
"Hey, are you bored? Do you wanna go do something else?"
"Oh yeah sure."
We both got up and he took my hand, guiding me upstairs. We went into one of our two guest bedrooms and placed ourselves on the bed, completely exhausted, as it was 2 am at this point.
"Sooo.." Benji continued. "Do you wanna just go to bed? You look pretty tired" he smiled at me longingly.
" I guess. I mean I am pretty tired. Are you okay with that though?"
"Yeah definitely. I'm pretty tired out too."
"In the same bed though?" I asked confused.
"Oh sorry you can go sleep in your own bed or whatever. I just get kinda lonely." Really? Benji Krol gets lonely? Just, not initially what I expected.
"Oh no you're fine. I was just making sure it wasn't weird." I tried to act cool although I was mentally freaking out. Benji licked his lips as he got up to take his clothes off. He stopped at his underwear and I did the same. We got into the comfy bed and drifted off to sleep together. I hoped this wasn't weird. But more than that, I hoped that he didn't suspect anything of me.
Hey guys, hoped you liked this chapter. I know it seems to be going really fast but there's wayy more coming than you think. Anyways, thanks for reading ♡♡ bye luvs 😙✌️✨
Word count: 1358

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