The Movies

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Today was Saturday, and me and Benji were going to go to a movie. I had been gone on a trip with Corbin and my mom for nearly two weeks now, and I could barely contain my excitement to see him. For the 13 days I'd been gone, I missed him more than ever.

I got on my favorite purple sweater paired with black jeans, converse, and a chain to accessorize. I grabbed my phone and left the house, making my way to Benji's. We had planned that he'd pick me up at my house at 9 so we could hang out all day before we went to the theater, but I figured I'd surprise him this way instead. It was now 8:30 as I arrived to his house.

I held my breath as I knocked on the door. My ears felt like they would go deaf if they had to wait another minute to hear Benji's voice. It was the most angelic thing, and I could never grow tired of it. I heard the door unlock and I couldn't hold back my smile.

Benji slowly opened the door, not expecting me. He looked up and when he realized it was me, the look in his eyes was magical.

"Jorge!" He exclaimed, engulfing me in one of his bear hugs. The smell of his cologne sunk in my senses, and I felt truly happy.

"Oh my god I missed you so much mi amor" he said, his eyes nearly filling with tears as he pulled away from the hug.

"It's only been 13 days bubba" I laughed at him.

He brought his hand to the back of my neck, caressing it with his fingers before he pulled me in. We kissed passionately and gently. We finally pulled away and put our foreheads together.

"I love you so much baby"

"I love you too Benji"

He gripped my hand and led me into the house. As we plodded up the stairs he spoke.

"I need to get a few more things ready then we'll leave."

"Okay Bebe"

When we got upstairs he put on his shoes and brushed his teeth. After that he grabbed his phone and we left in his car. He held my hand and rubbed circles on it with his thumb as he drove. It put me at ease. Before I knew it, we were in a field full of flowers.

"Oh Benji, this is beautiful. Thank you"

He walked over and I put my arms around his neck. I gave him a long kiss on the lips.

"You truly are my one and only. I - I don't know what I would ever do without you my love."

"Jorge, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You don't understand how happy you make me every second of every day."

We kissed again, long and sweet.


It was time for the movie and we were in line to buy our tickets.

After we had gone to the flower field we went and got something to eat, and then just hung out at Benji's house, enjoying each other's company.

After buying our tickets, we got some popcorn along with soft drinks and candies. We bought tickets for the classier rows, and at this theater there was really nice big chairs for couples and other people to share.

We made our way inside the theater and took a seat in the extra large recliner. We lied out a fuzzy blanket we had brought on top of us. I was placed in Benji's arms, my head resting on his chest. It was the best feeling being with him. Cuddling was the best part of it all.

We cuddled throughout the lighthearted film. When it ended we left to go back to Benji's house. It seemed like the day had gone by so fast, but I couldn't get enough of Benji. I loved him so damn much.

We got to his house and went up to his room, locking the door behind us. I flopped on the bed, exhausted.

"You wanna take a shower baby?"

"Sure" I mumbled.

Benji warmed up the water in the shower and laid out towels for us. He came back out to me and I sat up, my legs hanging off of the bed. He walked over to me, pulling me into his strong embrace. I loved every hug we shared.

He pulled off my sweater and pants, as well as my boxers. I did the same to him and he brought me back into his bathroom by my hand.

I stepped inside the shower and let the warm water flow over my head, past my face and neck. Benji followed me in. As soon as he was in he put his hands on my arms and rubbed them up and down. He was the best at soothing me.

We helped each other wash ourselves and got out of the shower to dry. I stepped out after Benji and shivered as the cold air hit my skin like bricks. He wrapped a towel around me, drying everything to the best of his ability.

After we were all dry he slipped a pair of his boxers on me and some on himself, and we climbed into bed. He put his arms around me, his head in the crook of my neck. My back flush against his bare stomach. He pulled the covers up so we were both covered.

After we were situated he reached his arm around me and slowly rubbed circles on my tummy. He knew I loved it when he did this. He made me feel so safe.

"I love you baby" he said, barely above a whisper.

"I love you baby" I responded.

And I wasn't lying. I loved him more than anything. More than 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘭𝘥.


Hey babessss
This is literally going to get like NO views but like - whateva can't do anything bout dat
It's been like weeks since I ended the book but I miss it so so much and I'm sad. What would y'all say if I said I wanted to maybe continue it to some extent? 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
But seriously lmk cause I actually want to kindaa but yeh
And if you haven't yet go check out my new book <3
Bye luvs and thank you again for all the support <3 uwuwuwu

Word count: 1084

January 17, 2020

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