Pensive Thinking

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"Hey Jeyjey" Benji said, quickly snapping Jorge out of his thoughts with the simple sound of his voice.
"Oh-uh-hi Benji" Jorge stuttered. His heart fluttered at the fact that Benji called him Jeyjey - an old nickname no one called him anymore. Well, except Benji.
"Do you have a ride home?" Benji asked, acknowledging that it was so hot outside. They had both just gotten out of the arena after a basketball game for the local college. Both their families were quite involved with things like that. Though this time, the rest of Jorge's family couldn't participate, he wondered why Benji seemed to be here alone too.
"Oh, I don't know. Corbin was supposed to pick me up but I think he got an extra shift at work. I think I'll just call my mom"
"Are you sure? I really wouldn't mind. I like spending time with you. I mean we don't do it that often." Benji's words set Jorges mind off in a series of possibilities as to why he would care to spend time with himself, of all people.
"Oh well, if you insist I guess. And uh I like spending time with you t-too." Jorge added on, sending Benji a shy smile.
"Ok cool. Let's get going then."
Jorge followed Benji to his car. It was a really nice one and Jorge was sure it had been fairly expensive. Unlike most of the teens in our area. His parents were really extra when it came to appearance. Maybe that's why Benji is so self conscious. Of course he'd never admit it though. He likes to make it seem like his confidence is a lot higher than it is.
As they got into the car, Jorge couldn't help but adore the scent of Benji's cologne mixed with the car air fresher Jorge had gotten for him for his birthday. Jorge smiled to himself thinking about it.
"What are you so smiley about?" Benji asked, giving Jorge a sneaky smirk.
"Nothing really I'm just genuinely happy I guess.
"Well what's making you so happy?"
"I don't know! Do I have to have a reason to be in a good mood?"
"No I suppose not"
Benji mumbled something to himself but Jorge couldn't make out what he was saying and decided to ignore it.
They began to drive home with a sort of peaceful silence as Jorge scrolled through his phone and Benji kept his eyes strictly on the road. Recently he had been determined to be a more focused driver after getting a ticket about a month ago. Guess it was working pretty well, at least from how focused he looked based on his facial expression.
As they approached Jorges street, he began getting his things together and preparing to get out of the car without embarrassing himself, which he tended to do quite often.
"Jorge?" Benji said with a quizzical look on his face as they stopped in the driveway.
"Oh um.. I just.. I wanted to tell you to uhh, have a good day!" Jorge was confused by Benji's sudden stuttering and the nervous look on his face. It didn't seem like that was what Benji wanted to say. It seemed like he was holding back on something, but Jorge was too nervous to say anything about it.
"Oh thanks aha. Y-You too. Uh bye!" Jorge said, stuttering severely, as he shut the car door. He hadn't wanted to embarrass himself, especially in front of Benji, but there was nothing he could do about it now. As he walked up the stairs he stumbled and nearly fell. He looked back to see Benji hiding a laugh behind his hands and smiled at him, the sound of his adorable laugh in his ears, before heading inside.
"Jorge? I wasn't expecting to see you."
"Oh hey Corbin. I thought you took an extra shift?"
"I decided not to take it because I was supposed to pick you up. I didn't wanna leave you stranded but apparently you did fine" Corbin half laughed.
"Who took you home anyway?"
"Oh Benji did."
"Really? Benji took you home?"
"Um yeah? What's so weird about it?"
"I don't know I just, wouldn't expect him to do that. I mean he just isn't all that that courteous to most people."
"Oh. He seems pretty considerate to me."
"Ok well I'm gonna go and take a shower. It was really hot outside and I'm sweaty as hell"
"Okay then. I'm gonna go get some dinner. 𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑎 𝑉𝑖𝑑𝑎 sound good to you?
"Yea sure" Jorge said running up the stairs to his room. He went to his bathroom after grabbing some lounge worthy clothes and plopping them on the bed.
As he stepped into the warm, soothing shower, cleansing him of all the grime and dirt from the rest of the day, his mind began wandering to Benji. He thought about how soft he imagined his skin to feel, and what it would be like, if he actually liked him too. He got caught up in his thoughts and after what only seemed like a few minutes, the water was starting to cool down, so he quickly washed myself and his hair and got out of the shower, his mind still pondering as he wrapped himself in a towel. He didn't know what he wanted to happen this school year. He had come out to every one he knew as gay, and they were all accepting of it, including Benji, and he wondered still if maybe he was bi or something and didn't know it. Or maybe he did and just hadn't come out yet. His mind raced at the thought.
*time skip*
He fell asleep thinking of Benji, a small smile on his face.
Hey guys! I put a lot into this first real chapter although it is short and I hope you guys liked it! Thanks for reading. Look forward to a new update really soon! I live you ☺️😙✌️♡
Word count: 1004

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