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"Fuck." I whispered to myself. My head was filled with a piercing headache. Benji seemed to still be asleep. I reached for my phone on the desk beside the bed. 9:43. I layed back down and snuggled into Benji's chest.

"Hey baby" he squirmed a bit, and put his arms around me. "How are you feeling?" he said, rubbing my back with one hand and my head with the other.

"My head fucking hurts." I closed my eyes and winced at the stabbing pain in my eye sockets. I was about ready to rip them out.

"I'm sorry my love. I'll go get you some medicine okay?" I nodded my head a gave him a small smile. He kissed my forehead gently then got on a sweater and also helped me put one on before leaving the room. I sat up and massaged my temples. I would probably do anything to make the headache go away. My thoughts wandered back to last night. Oh god. Benji saw me naked?? I felt my cheeks go a deep red, and I buried my face in my hands. Sure we had done foreplay the one time, but he had still never seen me - well, up until last night - he hadn't seen me fully exposed. I was embarrassed for sure. God, that's an understatement.

Benji walked back into the room. I didn't pull my hands away from my face.

"Are you okay bubba?" He said, sitting down by me on the bed. I put my hands down and looked up at him but just as I was about to say something, I winced again, and brought one hand to my stomach, the other to my face once again.

"If okay means wanting to die right now them I'm fucking amazing." I said smiling a little at my own joke. I looked back up at him, covering my eyes from the sun that was shining through the shades. Benji got up and shut the blinds and again took his place sitting beside me.

"How's your stomach feeling?" He brushed my hair out of my face and touched my face softly with his thumb.

"My stomach and my head hurt so bad." I sighed and collapsed into his arms. He caught me and rubbed his hands up and down my neck and back.

"Here, I brought you these." I sat up and he handed me some ibuprofens and a cup of ginger ale. I popped the pills and drank small sips of the ginger ale. I couldn't seem to drink that much.

I grunted and lied back down. I mumbled softly and Benji joined me under the covers. He hugged me tight in his strong arms and I engrossed my face in his chest.

"I'm sorry babyboy. You'll feel better soon." We cuddled for a little over an hour. The whole time I tried to sleep. I always slept better when I was in his arms, but this time it wasn't working very well. All I could seem to think about was the shooting pain in my head and stomach. Eventually, I sat up. Benji sat up as well and rubbed my back. I rubbed my eyes.

"Are you feeling any better baby?" I leaned into him and put my head in his shoulder, still keeping my eyes closed.

"A little. My headache is almost gone, and my stomach has calmed down a little but it's still killing me." He sighed and pulled me closer.

"Are you hungry at all?"

"I don't think I'll be able to keep anything down honestly."

"That's okay. I'll be right back okay bubba?"

"Okay." He gave me a quick kiss on the lips and went out of the room again. I just lied back down and held my stomach, hoping somehow it would just go away.

Benji came back into the room and I sat up. He handed me a piece of gum.

"Thanks babe." I put the gum in my mouth, thankful for the minty-ness, and the fact that it was making my stomach pain go away almost instantly, as well as all the nausea.

"Of course. Do you wanna watch something?"

"Sure." He grabbed his laptop and placed it towards us at the foot of the bed. We layed so we were on our stomachs, propped up on our elbows. He turned on a movie called 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘚𝘪𝘮𝘰𝘯 and scooted as close to me as he could. He was so beautiful.

Okay I'm proud that I updated three times tonight. AND I'm updating for a fourth time after this chapter tehehe 🤭🤫
Love y'all ♡♡

Word count: 770

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