Noens Boy

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First day of school. Great. I rolled my eyes as I got up out of bed and headed to my closet. I chose some clothes that hopefully were in style and I wouldn't feel too embarrassed in. I proceeded to take a shower and brush my teethe. I don't usually eat breakfast.
"Jorge?" Corbin called from outside my door. "Yeah?"
"I was just letting you know that I have to go do some stuff early and Benji's taking you to school."
"Oh ok" great. If Benji's taking me that gives me several more chances to completely embarrass myself. Pfft. Whatever though.
Benji showed up about a half hour before school started. I didn't wanna keep him waiting so I quickly went out and got into his car.
"Hey Jey" he said sweetly as I closed the car door behind me. "Oh hey." I could feel myself going strawberry red.
"I just picked you up early cause I figured you might wanna like, get a feel for the place and make sure you know where your classes are." I blushed hard. That was so considerate of him.
"Wow haha you uh didn't have to do that but thanks a lot"
"For sure! I just thought you know, it would make you less stressed ya know"
"Yeah that was really considerate of you." I gave him a big smile. The rest of the ride we talked about our classes and friends. It was nice.
We showed up at school and Benji continued to walk with me and make sure I knew where my classes were.
"Benji, thanks for helping me. It really means a lot."
Benji gave me a meaningful smile and said, "Of course. I really like you Jeyjey. You're so sweet and chill." wait-did he really just say he 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦𝘥 me?? I'm so confused. Mixed emotions are scrambling through my mind.
"I-uh-I really like you too Benji." He gave me a quick side hug a few minutes before the first bell rang.
"Well, I gotta go. My class is right there so if you need me, just let me know ok?" He pointed to a classroom 2 doors down from mine. "Okay, thanks." I smiled at him and waved as I walked into the classroom. It was a lot bigger than I had expected. I took a seat and scrolled through my phone before the class started. The day went by fairly fast, and before I knew it, it was lunch time. I met up with Corbin and Benji for lunch. We proceeded out to Corbins car when he stopped and turned to a guy next to him. He was a bit taller than me with straight white-blonde hair and rosy cheeks. Quite cute I might add. He looked to be Corbins age, and I don't think I had ever seen him before.
"Jorge, this is my friend Noen. Noen, this is my little brother Jorge, he's a sophomore."
"Hi" I said to Noen. He sent me a small nod and I noticed him blush behind his hair. It wasn't that long, just long enough to look like an e-boy, which I think he is, considering the way he's dressed.
(time skip)
We got in the car and decided on Chick-fil-A for lunch. When we got back I was walking behind the group kinda just on my own. I didn't even notice Noen wasn't with them till he tapped me on the shoulder.
"Yeah?" I questioned.
"Oh I just-um- you're really cool."
"Oh thanks." I half laughed, confused. He hadn't even said anything to me the whole time we were out. Weird.
The rest of the day went by smoothly, and when school finally ended, Corbin took me home. The next few weeks pretty much went like that. Of course with more work piling up, but I was doing pretty good with my schoolwork and I'm pretty confident that I'll end first term with decent grades, unlike last year.
(Time skip a month and a half)
Everything was going pretty well, and before I knew it, our first school dance of the year was coming up next weekend. Fall ball. I had never been to a school dance since this was my first year of high school, and I wasn't too excited. I don't think I'm even gonna go. And I'm definitely not going without a date. And there's no way I'll get one before then.
It's after school and today Noen said he wanted to meet up. We'd become sorta friends I guess in the past month, and he was really cool and sweet. He wanted to meet at the park near my house at 5 o'clock, so at 4:45 I started walking. I got there with time to spare, excited that I wouldn't be alone for the rest of the day. It had been pretty lonely lately with Corbin and Benji being on the basketball team. Noen was on the football team, but they didn't practice much the first few months, so he had a lot more free time than them. I looked up to see Noen walking towards me.
"Hey Jorge!" He waved. "Hey Noen!"
"So I was thinking from here we'd go get something to eat and then maybe get ice cream. That cool?" Noen spoke enthusiastically.
"Oh yeah that's fine."
He took me to a fancy restaurant. I thought it was weird that he had taken me to somewhere that was so nice, but the food was really good, so I didn't think much of it. After we got our ice cream, we walked to a nearby field with a tall hill, and watched the sunset as we ate our ice cream. We went back to his car and drove home in a nice silence. It'd been a fun day. When we got to my house Noen turned to me.
"Hey, I had a really good time today."
"Me too! Thanks."
"No problem." He smiled at me. Slowly he leaned in close to me. I figured he was going in for a hug so I leaned in too. huh -WAIT-WHAT THE HELL. I gasped. Noen just kissed me.
"Noen I-" I said frantically. "I-I don't like you like that." Noen quickly pulled away and the smile faded off his face. It looked like he was on the verge of tears. Embarrassed, I grabbed my things and ran into the house.
I got inside and ran upstairs, ignoring Corbin who was asking me what had happened. I was crying? Why was I crying? I slammed my door shut locked it swiftly then collapsed onto my bed. I don't know why I was crying. I didn't like Noen, that wasn't it. I didn't want to hurt his feelings though. Noen and I had become pretty close, and I had just left him out there, desperate to escape the situation. But I had clearly hurt Noen in the process, which was something I never wanted to do. And I cared about him, but not like that.
"Jorge? What happened??" I heard Corbin knocking softly on my door. I checked the time, it was nearly 9 o'clock. I got up and unlocked the door. Corbin walked inside, closing the door behind him, and sat down beside me on my bed.
"What's wrong?" He asked, the concern in his voice clear.
".. Noen kissed me"
Cliffhanger hahaaa. I kinda hated writing this chapter to be honest. I could never picture Noen and Jorge together. Remember this is just a Fan fiction though. Also, should this story have any sexy stuff or nah? Lmk in the comments. Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading. Goodbye luvs! 😙✌️♡♡
Word count: 1288

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