Very important. Please read.

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hello... most of you know what has happened with benjey.

things have happened, and due to multiple, obvious reasons, i will not be writing about them anymore, nor do i support either.

i'm sorry to anyone who happened to enjoy my writing about them.

i'm beyond devastated.

i'm so sad it had to end like this.

if you don't know what happened go to benji's twitter, or youtube it.

i've decided that i will be completely ceasing to write benjey in my one shot book, and instead will be writing in the same style but just boyxboy. I will not be making a new one shot book as of right now. but if you enjoy my oneshots, please don't unlist my one shot book, as AGAIN, it will just from now on be boyxboy

any books that i make in the future will be boyxboy.

some may disagree with my decision to do this, but i have decided to leave up my previous books and my one shot book.

they remain as one of the only things i am proud of, and ive put too much time and effort into them to be able to take them down, and re reading all your lovely comments make me happy when i'm sad.

please respect that.

im so sorry to any ex benjey stans out there. this whole thing has been so hard for all of us, and it's extremely hard to accept.

remember that there is no rush in moving on.

my dms are always open to anyone.

as of right now i need some time to cope with everything.

my mental health has come to an all time low due to the situation, and i need to help myself to fix it.

thank you all so much for the past year.

it has truly been amazing.

i've made some of my best friends in this fandom, and it has helped me through so much.

i wish it hadn't had to come to an end, especially like this.

i love you all.


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