Sweet Smile

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          With everything that had happened lately, I dont think I'll be going to the Fall Ball. I hadn't been asked by anyone to go, and there was no way in hell that I was gonna ask someone else just to get blatantly rejected. I don't know what to do. Corbin suddenly banged his fists on my door. He opened up before I could say anything.

          "JORGE GUESS WHAT."

"Ugh what, you could've let me say come in at least."

          "I got asked to the Fall Ball!" He spoke, with excitement in his eyes. "Really? That's amazing Corbin! Who asked you?"

          "Rylee!" I could tell he was ecstatic.

"Dude that's awesome! You've liked her for so long!"

          "I know!" He went all googly eyed.

          "Soo have you been asked by anyone yet?" He questioned eagerly.

"What do you think?" I said glumly.

          "I think it's weird that no one has asked you. You have such a great personality and with your looks, I mean come on."

"Corbin, we both know that's not true. I didn't really think I would get asked anyways. I think I just won't go."

          "Woah woah woah, you're coming one way or another. Even if I have to FORCE someone to take you."

"Don't be ridiculous. I don't wanna go to a dance with someone unless the feelings mutual"

          "Well you're going anyways!" He shouted with his back to me, headed for the door.
"No I'm not!" I yelled teasingly back to him. He flipped me off as he closed my door behind him.

          I'm not going. I sat on my bed and thought about who I'd even wanna go to Fall Ball with. Only person my mind seemed to come to mind.. Benji. I don't know what else I would've expected. But he'll never ask me so what's the point?

It's Thursday, and the Fall Ball is on Saturday. But before I even think about a date or anything, there's something I need to do first.. come out. I'm gay-I know that for sure now. But I wanna let people know I am so all these girls will stop asking me out. I feel bad saying no to all of them, but if they knew I was gay, they wouldn't be asking me in the first place. I'm gonna do it today. School was starting in an hour, and I still needed to pick up Jeyjey 15 minutes before it starts. So I have 45 minutes. I grabbed my phone and without hesitation, chose some pictures I had wanted to post on Instagram for a while. I posted them with the caption "I'm Gay-stop asking me out". I made it sound like I was joking but it was serious. Maybe this will take care of things..

I pulled up to Jorges house and he quickly came out to the car. "Hey Benji!"

"Oh hey Jorge" I smiled. I loved his voice.

          "I saw your new post" he said quietly. Holy shit. "Are you actually gay?"

          "Uh.. yeah.. I am."

          "Benji thats fucking amazing" his reaction left me stunned, as I stared blankly at my dashboard. "Benji? Are you ok?" I could tell from his voice he was worried.

          "Uh.. yeah I'm fine. I just-" I stared at Jorge, totally in love. "I don't know."

          "You can tell me if you're not you know. I'll listen" he smiled sweetly.

          "I know.. thanks Jey. I'll be okay I guess." I wouldn't though. As long as I was apart from him I never would be.

          "I'm gay too. Pretty sure you already knew but, you're not alone is what I mean."

          "Yeah. Thanks for supporting me."

          "Of course. I'll always support you." I hope he will.
Sorry this chapter is a little short. :/ but I hope you all liked it! 😔✌️♡
I have like 7 other chapters I've already written but I'm debating on posting them cause only like 2 people seem to actually like any of it soo- yeah comment if you want me to actually post them I guess. Byeeee ♡♡
Word count: 679

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