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I woke up Sunday morning, a smile on my face. The last thing I remembered was Jey leaving. But then I began to recall what else happened. Oh god. What if this ruined our friendship? No it wouldn't.. but- ugh! I sat up covering my face, and stopped myself from overthinking anymore. I didn't want to remember what had happened as something negative, especially since I cherished it so much. I wanted to text Corbin. I was about to tell him to come over, but I decided against hitting the send button. There was no way I was gonna tell him about last night. I would never be able to even have the courage to, and I would just be a nervous wreck if I hung out with him right now. I think I'll just spend today alone I guess. I've always enjoyed having time to myself, and I hadn't really gotten much in a while, so it couldn't be that bad.

I ran downstairs, half expecting my parents to be there, but they weren't, as it was 12 pm by now, and they were both already at work. I made myself a bowl of cereal, and went on my phone. I wasn't focusing on what I had been watching though. I faded into a deep hole of thought, and when I came out of my trance, I was scrolling through me and Jorges texts. I didn't even remember pulling them up. I looked down at my cereal, but I must have been thinking for a lot longer than I thought. The cereal was soggy, and looked way more unappetizing than I hoped. I grunted and took my bowl to the sink, at a loss for appetite. My stomach felt all weird, I knew I should eat but I just wasn't in the mood. I went back up to my bedroom and drifted off. At least if I slept I wouldn't just be overthinking everything going on..

✨𝖩 𝗈 𝗋 𝗀 𝖾✨

          Ugh. I turned over and grunted into my pillow. I had been trying to go back to sleep for what felt like hours. But at this point I determined that it wasn't working and I might as well just get up. I couldn't stop thinking about Benji. Not that I wanted to. I just couldn't help but let negative thoughts destroy every good event that had taken place via the previous night. But I wanted to see him. I checked my phone for the time: 2:47 pm. Hopefully it wouldn't be a bad time to go over. I already knew he and his family weren't really religious, so hopefully he wasn't busy. I got on some clothes and sauntered out the door, pulling my hood over my head as I stepped out into the slightly chilly Autumn weather. As I walked up the steps to Benji's door, I started to question my decisions. Maybe I shouldn't do this. What if he didn't wanna see me after last night? Was I disappointing? I shoved my thoughts to the back of my head and knocked on the door, immediately regretting it, holding my breath hoping that maybe, no one was even home at all.


          I arose from my slumber to the knocks of someone at my door. I didn't remember inviting anyone over. Maybe it was just the postman? I put on a sweater over my boxers and drowsily made my way downstairs and to the door.

          "Hel-" I quickly finished putting on my sweater seeing who was at my door, embarrassed from my appearance.

           "H-hey Jey. I'm sorry I was expecting you." I mumbled, feeling my cheeks go bright red.

          "Hey Benji, uh that's okay. I just wondered if you maybe wanted to hang out or something. Maybe talk about last night?" He sounded apprehensive.

          "Oh yeah of course. Come on in, its pretty chilly out there" I blabbered, shivering a little.

As he walked through the door I hesitantly pulled him into a tight hug, thankfully he hugged me back. I guided him over to the sofa, him taking a seat beside me.

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