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If you see this:

It means the story skipped a little time  just so you guys know💗

I hadn't seen Jorge since Monday when everything went down. He hasn't been at school. I didn't know if he was sick, or away, or upset. Maybe he just couldn't stand to see me. The thought of it made my eyes well up tears. Hopefully I'd see him today (Friday) though. If I see him, I can explain the whole situation. I just hope he believes me.

          I arrived at school 10 minutes before the first bell, hoping to catch Jorge walking through the doors. But as the bell rang, I sighed and walked to class, thinking about how agonizing the weekend was going to be because of this.

         Half the day had passed, and everything seemed to be going painfully slow. I just wanted this day to be over with. As I made my way to cafeteria, I caught a glimpse of pink curls. Was that Jorge? I quickened my pace to keep up with the short skinny figure. As I got closer I managed to get a peak at his face. It was Jorge. I ran through the crowd of students and grabbed his arm, to which he quickly turned around to face me. As soon as he saw who grabbed it though, his face flushed and he looked down at the ground.

          "What" he questioned.

          "Please Jorge, let me exp-plain" I said as I struggled to catch my breath. "Addy made that whole thing up to get back at her for breaking up with her". He looked sallow, and his collarbones were showing clearly. He had always been very skinny, but he looked just awful. It was breaking me heart.

          "Mmm" he looked like he was thinking really hard.

           "Please believe my J-Jey" I said, I could feel my eyes burning with tears, and I quickly wiped my eyes harshly and sniffled as quietly as I could in an attempt to not let my nose run.

         "Just give me some time" he said firmly as he tried to make me release my grip on his arm. He still wouldn't make eye contact with me. His eyes were framed with dark circles, and I noticed that he wasn't wearing any blush, which was unusual for him.

          "Are we okay now?"

          "I-" he stopped to look up at me for just a moment before moving his glance back to the ground.

          "I don't know" he said, barely above a whisper. He closed his eyes like he was hesitating, before ripping his arm away from me and ran down the hall. I didn't chase after him. Maybe he just needs some space. Hopefully if I give him that, we'll eventually be okay.

          I left the school, and got into my car, not wanting to continue on with the school day. As I made my way home I thought about things. I knew almost everything about Jorge. I knew the things he liked to do. I had to do something.


Sorry the last two chapters sucked rlly bad :(
I've been really unmotivated to write recently. I'm going on a long car trip tomorrow though, and I plan on writing one or two pretty long chapters 💗
Luv you guys byee ♡
Word count: 554

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