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Bonnie and Chica Haven't spoken to each other after their little argument. Chica is laying on her bed facing the wall and Bonnie is sitting on the floor with his knees to his chest.

Bonnie breaks out of his day dream when he hears the door to the cells being open once again.

He stares confusingly at the guard that is unlocking his cell door. "Is it dinner time?" Freddy asks the guard that's unlocking his cell door.

"Not yet Freddy" the guard says. "Get up, you lot are coming with us" the guard says to Bonnie.

Bonnie gets up as the guard makes him turn around so he can hand cuff his hands behind his back.

After the four are hand cuffed they are taken down to this big room that's surrounded with gates so they can't get out.

"Where the hell are we?" Freddy asks, "your in the fighting, training whatever you want to call it room" a man wearing a white shirt and black trousers with a bullet proof vest on over the top says.

"Why you wearing a bullet proof vest? We can't shoot you or anything" Bonnie says crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"Well you never know with people like you" the man says scanning his eyes over the four.

"My name is ben and you four are in this room today because I thought it would be good for you lot to let off some energy, let all your anger out by not killing people" Ben says.

"And who or what will be doing this on?" Chica asks, "Me" Ben says.

Chica laughs, "your look like a weasel, hun" Chica states looking him up and down.

"Well let's see then" Ben says taking a wooden staff from the guards and throws it to Chica.

She catches it smoothly and follows Ben to the middle of the room. "This is gonna be interesting" Freddy says.

Ben goes for chicas feet with the wooden staff but she quickly blocks him "nice try" Chica smile sarcastically as she pushes him back with her wooden staff making him stumble a bit.

Ben try's higher this time but to get blocked again by Chica. Chica makes a move catching him off guard and making his wooden staff fall out of his hand.

"This is too easy" Chica sighs as he goes and gets his wooden staff.

"I haven't even started yet!" Ben says grabbing his wooden staff and swings it low at Chica's feet.

Chica does a no handed cartwheel landing it perfectly. Ben doesn't fight fair and hits Chica in the Rib cage "take that you little bitch" Ben hisses.

"Fuck!" Chica winces in pain as ben goes to hit her across the head with the wooden staff but she blocks him with her wooden staff.

"Stop him now he ain't fighting fair his just hit her!!" Bonnie says angrily.

Chica in now fully letting her anger out. She smacks bens wooden staff out of his hand as she pushed him up against the wall holding him up by her wooden staff.

"What did you call me?" Chica questions angrily as she holds him up against the wall.

"Your one crazy bitch" Ben barely says because Chica his pushing down on his chest.

"Let him go or I will shoot!!" One of the guards shout. Chica turns and looks at the guards that's pointing a gun at her and her mates.

She turns back to Ben and pushes slightly down on his chest hearing a bone crack before letting him drop to the ground.

Ben is on the floor wheezing. All of a sudden a loud alarm his ringing through out the prison.

"Someone has broken in!!" Once of the guards says. The four look at each other knowing who it is, The guys take the chance and attack the guards for their guns.

"Chi!" Bonnie says throwing her a gun to defend herself. The four run up the stairs and out into the lobby to where the entrance is.

The four start shooting at the prison guards before they shot them.

"Guys!" Golden Freddy shouts standing near a fire exit holding a gun to. They all run over to him and out the fire exit door that leads down an ally way where golden Freddy parked his get away car.

The four quickly gets into the car as golden Freddy speeds off. "Freedom!!!" Foxy screeches happily shaking Chica that's beside Him in the back.

"Get off you flid" Chica says pushing him off. "What about our stuff that the police took off us before we got looked away, you know my jewellery, watches, shoes, bags and clothes?" Chica asks.

"Chica are you seriously worried about your belongings right now?" Freddy sighs. Chica narrows her eyes at him, "of course!! They took away my diamond Rolex, my channel bag and my louboutin heels that I brought" Chica crosses her arms in front of her chest.

"More like stole" Freddy laughs, "whatever the same thing" Chica mumbles rolling her eyes.

"Are you seriously worrying about your stupid bags and shoes while they took Mr cuddles, the police dragged me out of bed!!" Foxy argues.

"Fuck Mr cuddles!!" Chica laughs as foxy gasps "how dare you!" Foxy says in disbelief

"Fuck Mr cuddles!!" Chica laughs as foxy gasps "how dare you!" Foxy says in disbelief

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(Sorry I had to guys XD)

"Calm Down guys I got all your stuff" golden Freddy says keeping his eye on the road.

The rest of the drive was nice and quiet. They stopped off at McDonald's because Freddy was hungry.

Bonnies heart starts racing when he feels Chica leaning on him. He slowly wraps his arm around her back.

Chica can't help but to smile. "Where are we going back to?" Freddy asks with a mouthful of burger.

"I found an abandoned mansion deep into the wood I mad it into a home while you three was in prison, I also made a plan to get you three out but when I found out Chica got taken away while she was out shopping I had to break you four out as soon as possible" golden Freddy explains.

"Thanks for breaking us out" Bonnie says, "no problem guys" golden Freddy says.


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