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In the evening the others come back to see how Bonnie was doing and they where happy to see him awake and well.

Chica told what she did, the others where quite shock but also pleased that she got springtrap back for shooting Bonnie.

The next morning Bonnie is released from hospital, Chica stayed the night to be next to him.

"I can't  believe you chopped off two of plushtraps fingers and posted them through springtraps letter box" foxy laughs.

"Well that what he gets for not telling me where springtrap is and for threatening my unborn baby" Chica says.

Bonnie has fallen asleep, leaning his head on chicas shoulder. "Why didn't I think of that" Freddy whines from the front of the car.

"But the thing is springtraps gang knows I'm pregnant because plushtrap got someone to follow us to the hospital and heard when I announced my pregnancy" Chica says.

"Don't worry you and then baby will be safe" golden Freddy says keeping his eyes on the road.

"I wonder what gender the baby is?" Mangle says excitedly. "I know I'm really excited to become a mummy now, I will be better then my own mother was to me" Chica says rubbing her stomach slightly.

Golden pulls up outside their hideout/home. "Wakey wakey" Chica says tapping Bonnies noses waking him up.

Bonnie rubs his eyes as he sits up "where are we" Bonnie asks. "Home" Freddy says getting out of the car.

Everyone gets out of the car and heads inside. "The nurse says you have to take you pain killers and rest" Chica says opening the bottle of pain killers the doctor gave Bonnie.

Chica goes into the kitchen and gets a glass cup and fills it up with water. "Here you go baby" Chica says passing him the cup of water and tablets.

Bonnie takes the tablets and puts down the cup of water. "Thank you" Bonnie says pecking chicas lips.

Bonnie sits down at the dining room table and rolls a joint. "Is that a good idea to smoke weed while taking medication?" Freddy asks.

"It's painkillers and weed numbs pain so it's a two in one" Bonnie says lighting his joint.

"I'm going to stand away while you smoke that because I don't want to inhale it and cause the baby harm"  Chica says sitting on the sofa that's in the kitchen.

"I will stop" Bonnie says putting out the joint. "You didn't have to stop" Chica says, "yes I do if it can cause our baby harm then I'm not going to smoke in the house I'm going to smoke outside" Bonnie says pulling Chica onto his lap.

"I don't want to lean on you because of your wounds" Chica says, "don't worry chi" Bonnie says kissing her lips.

Weeks have passed and Bonnies wounds are healing well. The gang haven't heard anything from springtrap or his gang they must of backed downed for a bit.

Chica is in her room looking at her small baby bump in the mirror. "Your growing quickly my little love" Chica says to her stomach as she rubs it.

"Our little love is growing quickly" Bonnie says standing in the doorway to chicas room. Chica jumps slightly "omg you scared me" Chica says.

"I'm sorry" Bonnie says as he wraps his arms around chicas waist. "It's fine" Chica smiles as she wraps her arms around Bonnie neck.

"You know carrying our precious cargo you can't go out chopping peoples fingers off or fight" Bonnie laughs at the chopping off fingers part.

Chica giggle, "yeah I know" Chica says. "Have you thought of any boy or girl names?" Chica asks.

"Yep I like Elijah for a boy and Maisie for a girl" Bonnie smiles. "Oooo I love them names" Chica says excitedly.

"Especially Maisie because it means pearl" Bonnie says kissing chicas nose. Chicas mouth slightly opens in pleasure when Bonnie starts kissing down her neck.

Chica breathes heavily as Bonnie starts sucking and biting on the sensitive spot on her neck.

Chica feels Bonnie is getting excited and hormonal "don't get too excited remember I can't have sex" Chica says moving her head to the side giving Bonnie more access to her neck.

"I know" Bonnie says kissing up chicas neck and to her jawline.

After some time for kissing the two head down stairs. "Where's mangle?" Chica asks entering the living room.

"She's not doing good since she found out springtrap cheated on her with Ballora, I tired making her happy, maybe you can try talk about girly things" Foxys suggests.

"Oh poor mags" Chica says going back up the stairs and going to foxys bedroom. As mangle been staying with the gang she's been staying in foxys room and his been sleeping on the sofa until mangle gets her room.

"Mangle it's me Chica" Chica says knocking on the door, Chica hears faint crying. Chica opens the door and sees mangle curled up in bed crying.

Chica goes and lays next to mangle. "Everything is going to be ok" Chica Says gently.

"I can't believe he was sleeping with Ballora while he was with me" mangle cry's even more.

"Ballora bullied me in secondary school when we was kids do you remember?" Mangle sniffs. "Yeah I do" Chica sighs hugging mangle, "you don't understand how good it felt when I shot that slut in the head I've always wanted her gone" mangle says angrily.

"Remember when I pushed her over the canteen tables in front of everyone because she knocked your drink out of your hand" Chica says slightly laughing.

"Yeah and you got sent to the head masters office" mangle smiles weakly. "You and your friends where always there to stick up for me" mangle says resting her head on Chicas chest.

Chica smiles remembering her school days. "You guys where not to be fucked with you" mangle says.

"Do you remember when we all had maths together and I told you to sit with us and foxy was trying to flirt with you and miss miller Said why do I hear talking and then foxy turned around and said because you have ears you dumb bitch Chica giggles.

"Then he was also sent to the head masters office after her gave me his phone number, why couldn't I of fallen for foxy he would of treated me so much better then springtrap" mangle sighs.

"I'm not trying to make you feel worse because it's about relationships but foxy does have feeling for you, he always have" Chica says.

Chica catches mangle smiling slightly "really?" Mangle asks. "Yep, but I understand if you want to get over springtrap first before going into a new relationship" Chica smiles.

"I really did love springtrap" mangle sighs trying not to cry again. "I know you did but he didn't deserve you" Chica sadly says.


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