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Chica and Bonnie have been at home for a couple of days and Chica hasn't left Maisie alone.

The gang loves her as much as Bonnie and Chica does. "I love you" Chica says as she holds Maisie up making sure her head has supported and kisses her chin as Maisie coos.

"She so adorable chi" mangle smiles as she looks at Maisie. "I know I can't stop kissing her face!" Chica says.

Over the passed couple of days Maisie opened her eyes for the first time and she has violet eyes just like Chica. Her hair is dark brown just like Bonnies and they can't tell over features because she's to small at the moment.

"If you keep kissing Maisie's face your going to kiss her to death" foxy chuckles. The girls
Roll their eyes.

"Let me hold my little princess for a bit" Bonnie asks. Chica smiles and passes Maisie to Bonnie.

As Maisie is really delicate Bonnie holds her with care. "She's so tiny" Bonnie says smiling.

Maisie coos happily as Bonnie kisses his daughter head. Maisie lays her head on her dad shoulder.

All of a sudden Bonnie feel something on his ear. "Maisie is sucking on my ear lobe!" Bonnie laughs.

"She's obviously thinks your ear lobe is my nipple so she's obviously hungry" Chica laughs.

Chica takes Maisie off of Bonnie and goes to breast feed her. "How is it like to be a father" Freddy asks drinking his beer.

"It's really good my daughter is just perfect" Bonnie smiles, "Awww" foxy grins. Chica walks back into the living after she fed Maisie.

"She going to sleep now because she's full of milk" Chica says rubbing Maisie's back.

"I will take Maisie up stairs and put her to sleep" Bonnie says getting up from the sofa. "Thank you" Chica says kissing Bonnies lips as she passes Maisie to her dad.

Bonnie carries Maisie up stairs as Maisie coos loudly. Bonnie opens Chica bedroom where Maisie cot is.

There are going to make Maisie a room and Bonnie and Chica are going to have a room together.

Bonnie gently puts his princess in her cot but Maisie starts to cry because she doesn't want to leave her dada.

"Don't cry my little love" Bonnie says gently picking Maisie back up. Bonnie holds Maisie close to his chest so she can fall asleep.

Maisie rests her head on Bonnies shoulder and her hand hold onto his top. Bonnie lays down on Chicas bed as he places Maisie's head his chest instead.

Maisie quietly coos as she closes her eyes and falls to sleep. Bonnie traces his finger tips over the back off Maisie's neck making her fall to sleep faster.

"I love you so much my little princess, no one in this world will ever hurt you because if they do they're gonna wish they was dead" Bonnie whispers as he looks down at his sleeping daughter.

Bonnies eyes become heavy as falls to sleep. Chica wonders why Bonnie hasn't come down stairs yet so she goes to check on Bonnie.

Chica walks up stairs and into her room and sees Bonnie is asleep with Maisie that is also asleep on his chest.

Chica heart beats fast seeing that Bonnie has fallen asleep with his daughter on his chest. Chica goes over and gently takes Maisie's off of Bonnies chest and places her in the cot.

Bonnie eyes shoot open because he feels his daughter being lifted off his chest. "Calm down its only Me" Chica says crawling onto the bed.

"You scared me I thought it was someone else" Bonnie says pulling Chica close to him. Bonnie and Chica kiss for a bit, "You know we haven't had sex in nine month and I really been thinking about the way you drag your nails down my back as I fuck you or how your eyes roll back when you Come" Bonnie says kissing Chicas neck making Chica heat up.

"Your so horny" Chica giggles as she looks down at Bonnies pants and see his excited.

"Yes because I love you and I want you so badly" Bonnie whines as he pins Chica down on the bed and grinds on her womanhood slowly trying to get her in the mood.

Chica bites down on her bottom lip getting turned on. Chica impatiently pulls Bonnie top over his head.

"I want you to" Chica says slamming her lips on Bonnies as they start to make love.

Meanwhile springtrap is in his apartment with his gang members. "I heard that Chica gave birth to her baby a couple of days ago" shadow Freddy says taking a sip of his beer.

"Wait what?! Why didn't you tell me sooner!" Springtrap asks angrily. "Meh" shadow Freddy shrugs.

Springtrap thinks of a second, he smiles evilly when he comes up with an idea. "We are gonna take their one and only child away" Springtrap smirks.

"That's a great idea but why?" Shadow foxy asks. "Because you muppet Chica chop my brothers fingers off and I said I will get her back for what she did and I have always wanted to get back at Bonnie hard and what better way to that then take their baby" springtrap explains.

"Springtrap why don't you sort out our hideout because sitting in your apartment is just boring" shadow Freddy says.

"I can't because golden Freddys gang destroyed everything and I cant afford anything at the moment I need to find away to get money" Springtrap growls angrily.

"Another season to kidnap that little shit that Chica birthed, you can do a ransom" shadow Bonnie suggest.

"Good idea!" Springtrap says getting up and going to his set of draws that's in the living room pulling out a clear ceiled packet with white pills in side.

Springtrap sits back down and gets a white pill and crushes it with a hard object until it's powder.

He gets his credit card and makes the powder into three lines and snots the powder up the straw.

"Kidnapping that child is gonna be great, they are not going to mess with us. I might even post a body part of their child through the post to? or maybe its dead body in a plastic bag" Springtrap says evilly.


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