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Chica and mangle got in chicas Aston Martin db11 and drove to mangles apartment where she lives with springtrap.

"How do you know that springtrap isn't in?" Chica asks keeping her eyes on the road. "His always at his gangs hide out probably playing darts or something" mangle says.

Chica notices mangle is a bit nervous so she try's to brighten the mood. "Let's put some music on because we have a drive a head of us" Chica smiles plugging her phone into the aux to play music.

The two listen to wiggle it by French Montana ft city girls and many more songs. Soon after they pull up to mangles apartment, Chica turns off her car engine and steps out locking the doors.

"Come let's go before he does come back" mangle says walking fast into the apartment lobby.

Mangle unlocks her apartment door and walks in. "Woah what the fuck is that smell?!" mangle says putting her keys on the table as Chica closes the door behind them.

"It smells like vinegar sort off but burnt" Chica says. Mangle goes into her bedroom to get the stuff she needs to leave while Chica looks around the apartment.

The apartment is messing there is empty beer bottle over the tables, ash trays and stuff everywhere. Mangle isn't a messy person so it looks like springtrap makes it messy.

"Are you fucking serious!!?" Mangle shouts from her bedroom. "Mags what is it??" Chica says running into her bedroom.

"There is three hundred missing from my money" Mangle says angrily. "Are you sure you didn't spend it??" Chica asks, "no this is the money I put away for a car!" Mangle says frustrated.

Mangle gets up and walks into the living room and something on the floor catches her attention.

"What the?" Mangle says picking up a needle from the floor. Mangle studies the needle and sees it has a little bit of yellow-golden substance in it.

Mangle admittedly knows what it is and puts the two and two together. "Are you fucking serious!!?" Mangle says getting upset.

"Mangle what's wrong?" Chica asks again. "Springtrap is doing heroine!" Mangle says getting more upset.

That explains the smell when they walked into the apartment.

Chicas eyes widen "how do you know?" Chica asks. Mangle shows her the needle she found on the floor.

"he took the three hundred pound out of my saving money to spend it on drugs" mangle says angrily.

"I know this because I'm the only one that brings money into the house because I strip and the money that we buy food and stuff with is in my purse and my saving money is in my wardrobe and I don't touch it so it has to be him" mangle says frustrated.

"I'm so angry and upset, I didn't know he did hardcore drugs and that hurts me, especially that he spent my saving money" mangle says trying not to get emotional.

"Mags I'm so sorry" Chica says feeling really bad. "It's ok I just want to leave and never come back and forget hi- Mangle says stopping when she hears the door open.

Chica turns around and see springtrap enter. "Why the fuck is this slut in my house?!" Springtrap says looking at Chica, his eyes travel to the big bag that's in mangles hands.

"What are you doing!?" Springtrap asks. "I'm leaving you because I've had enough of your shit and you spending my saving money on fucking drugs!!? Mangle shouts at him.

"You ain't going nowhere" springtrap says pulling out a pistol. Mangle and chicas eyes widen as Chica grabs mangle and pulls her behind the kitchen counter before he shoots.

Chica pulls out her pink pistol that she brung just in case this happened. Chica pops her head up from over the kitchen counter and shoots him in the leg.

"Go while he is distracted, I've got him" Chica says. Mangle looks worried but quickly gets up and picks up her bag and leaves.

"You really think one bullet will stop me" springtrap says. "No but a second one will" Chica says shooting him in the leg again.

Springtrap groans in pain but is able to get up. Chica kicks his pistol out of his hands as she knees him in the stomach making him make a oof sound.

Springtrap grabs Chica and throws her into the wall as he punches her in the face. Chica hisses in pain as she dabs her nose feeling blood coming out.

"Tell me how is bonnie now that he is out of prison I heard that someone told the police where your hideout is I wonder who?" Spingtrap says smirking coming over to Chica that is on the floor.

Chica sits up so she can see springtrap "wait your the one who told the police where our old hideout is? And you made my boyfriend and our friends get sent to prison!!??" Chica says angrily.

"Correct well done" Springtrap says sarcastically. "You fucking bastard!!!" Chica shouts as she punches him in the balls making him grunt in pain.

Chica gets up and slams the butt of her pistol into the side of springtraps head knocking him out.

Chica breathes heavily as she looks down at him. "I would loved to kill you right now but save the fun for other people" Chica says as she kicks him in the stomach "take that you piece of shit!!!" Chica says stepping over him and walking out of the apartment.

Chica walks out of the apartment lobby and over to her car. Chica gets in as mangles eyes widen at Chica.

"Chica your face!?" Mangle says worriedly. Chica looks in the mirror and her lip is busted as her nose is stained with blood.

"Fuck I thought it wouldn't be that bad" Chica says. "Bonnie and the guys are going to go mental knowing that springtrap did this to you" mangle says.

"Oh well" Chica says starting up the engine. "What did you do to springtrap?" Mangle asks as Chica drives away.

"I knocked him out his going to get one hell of a headache when he wakes up, also he told me he was the one that told the police where our hideout is" Chica says.

"Oh god" mangle says worriedly.

The girls arrive back at the hideout as Chica parks her car outside. They get out and walk inside.

"Chica what the in hell happened to your face!?" Golden Freddy asks worriedly. "Shhhh I don't want Bonnie to know he will go mad" Chica says.

"His going to see anyway, what happened?" Golden Freddy asks. "Springtrap arrived when we was in the apartment and he pulled out a gun because mangle was leaving so I shot him in the leg and we had a fight and I knocked him out" Chica says sounding pleased with the last part.

Golden Freddy studies her face "does it hurt when I touch your nose?" Goldie asks as he gently touches her nose making her wince In pain.

Goldie sees that her nose is slightly crooked and around her eyes are dark which means it's broke.

"It's broken" Goldie says, "Fuck" Chica sighs. "Your not gonna like this but springtrap was the one that told the police where our old hideout was" Chica says.

"What a cunt!" Golden Freddy grows angrily. "Chica what happened to your face?!" Bonnie says worriedly running over to Chica pulling
Her into a hug.

"Are you ok!?, what happened??" Bonnie says cupping here face with both hands. "Springtrap came in while me and mangle was in the apartment and he pulled out a gun to shoot both of us so I shot him in the leg and we got into a fight" Chica explains.

Bonnie looks angry "are you ok mangle?" Bonnie asks, "yes I'm fine thank you" mangle smiles weakly.

"What's happened!?" Foxy and Freddy ask worriedly running over. After Chica explained
What happened with springtrap and him spending mangles money on drugs foxy pulls mangle into a hug.

"I'm so glade you two are safe" foxy says, Mangle hugs him back tightly. "I'm going to kill springtrap, your like a little sister to me chi" Freddy says angrily. "Not before I kill him and his whole gang first" Bonnie says not letting
Go of Chica.

"Can I have some ice on my nose please?" Chica asks in pain. "Yes my love" Bonnie says taking Chica into the kitchen.


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