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Chica's PoV:

"I'm in" Chica along with everyone else. "Great" Golden Freddy says "we will take back what those in-Breds stole from us even if it means to pretend to be on their side for a bit" Golden Freddy says.

They where are all originally from London but had to leave because of the withereds took over our turf and took their money that they got from drug trades but the withereds stole the lot from them because they where a bunch of pussy's to do the job themselves so they had no other choice but to leave their country and home to start elsewhere. Chica and the others didn't want to leave but Golden Freddy said it would be better.

"I have always wanted to get them back for taking our home away from us" I say and Golden Freddy nods, "and we will".

"And that's why I have invited them over" Golden Freddy says making us look at him in shock. "What?! You don't know where they've been?!" Foxy says in disgust.

Golden Freddy rolls his eyes, "this is all apart of the plan do you really think I want them to be here?" Golden Freddy reply's.

"No" Foxy sighs. "They will be over in half an hour and Chica don't pull out Cindy's hair extensions like last time" Golden Freddy sighs getting up from the sofa as the Chica and the guys laugh obviously remembering the first time but Mangle sat there clueless.

"What happened?" Mangle smiles looking interested. "We was all at a night club a couple of years ago and the withereds came in and uno Cindy being Cindy wouldn't shut up after I "politely" asked her to but she's kept going on and wouldn't shut up so I got really passed off and ripped out her hair extensions which shut her up prettyyy quick" Chica smirks as Mangle laugh.

"Hey I was doing her a favour they didn't even match her actual hair colour" Chica say faking a sweet smile.

After sometime it was only Bonnie and Chica in the living because Foxy and Mangle where upstairs and Golden Freddy went back in his study and Freddy was probably sleeping on the sofa in the kitchen.

Bonnie puts Maisie up in her room for her afternoon nap just leaving him and Chica all alone in the living room.

The couple are making out on the sofa happily when all of a sudden Chica gets on top of Bonnie. "Mmm how I miss this" Bonnie smirks as he puts both of his hands on Chicas ass and squeezes but not to hard.

"We had sex a couple of days ago" Chica laughs as she pecks Bonnies lips. "I know but that's not enough" He smirks again.

"I could go three rounds a day" Bonnie whispers in Chicas ear making her eyes widen but she's not at all shock, "of course you would" Chica says as she closes the gap between her and Bonnie again.

Chica kisses Bonnie gently as he slips his hands up her hoodie that's she is wearing knowing she's not wearing a bra underneath.

Their make-out sessions gets disrupted by the door bell ringing. "Ugh it's probably the unwanted" Chica groans pulling away from Bonnie.

"Aren't you going to answer it?" He asks as Chica shakes her head. "No there is five other people in this house I'm sure one of them can" Chica says making Bonnie smile.

"We are the closest to the door" Bonnie says trying not to laugh. Chica groans as she rolls off Bonnie and starts walking to the front door.

"The retards- I mean the withereds are here!!" Chica calls out so at least Golden Freddy hears. "Hi" Chica says blankly opening the door.

"Takes your shoes off before you step into the house because we don't know where you lot have been" Chica teases, opening the door wider for them. "including you Cindy" Chica adds knowing that she's pissing Cindy off.

Cindy rolls her eyes as Golden Freddy takes over. "Long time no see goldie" Withered Bonnie says as Golden Freddy nods.

As Golden Freddy makes conversation, the others comes back into the living room as the withereds are take a seat on the opposite sofa.

"Soo hows home because we wouldn't know since you took it from us" Chica pipes up putting on a fake smile. "Chica" Golden Freddy says with widen eyes trying to hint to her to be quiet.

"Good actually but I see you have such a nice home here in New York" Withered Foxy says smirking, "yeah don't think that you're taking this one too" Chica smirks then all of a sudden Maisie starts crying from upstairs.

"What the hell?" Withered Bonnie says In confusion. "Oh sorry my baby must of woken up" Chica smiles getting up from the sofa.

"You have a baby?!" Cindy says in shock, "yep" Chica grins heading up stairs. "where is the toilet?" Withered Freddy asks as Golden Freddy points to a door that's next to the stairs case.

The others make Conversation between each other, "Do you want to see dada?" Chica asks coming back into the living room carrying Maisie.

"Dada?!!?" Cindy shouts in shock as her face does a bit pale. "Yeah is there a problem?" Chica asks as she passes Maisie to Bonnie.

As Cindy is about to answer Foxy says something. "You did not wash your hands" Foxy asks glaring at withered Freddy over everyone's heads.

"Y-yes I did" withered Freddy says stuttering nervously "Don't lie! Go back and wash your hands you dirty pig!!" Foxy shouts sounding offended that he didn't wash his hands but yet again the two never got along well.

Golden Freddy face palms, "Foxy leave it" Golden Freddy sighs. "Uhh no!! you can hear the tap running when someone washes their hands and I did not hear it" Foxy answers back.

"So what?" Golden Freddy says, "so what?!??" Foxy repeats getting annoyed, "are you hearing yourself?!you are a different type of breed If you don't wash your hands after going to the toilet! Go back!" Foxy shouts making a shooing gesture with his hands at Withered Freddy.

And with that Withered Freddy goes back into the bathroom to wash his hands. "Sorry he has a problem when people don't wash their hands" Chica says to Withered Freddy when he comes back out.

"This is going to the longest few hours of my life" Golden Freddy sighs to himself as he rubs his head.


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