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Chica stirs in her sleep. Bonnie realises that Chica must be having a bad dream. He pulls her close to his chest wrapping his arms around her.

Chica stops stirring and goes back to sleep.

Springtrap and shadow Freddy is outside the hideout in the car waiting for the right time. He decided to come at three in the morning because that's when everyone goes into deep sleep so it will make it easier for him to take Maisie.

"Ok I'm going to go, text me if you see anything suspicious" Springtrap says picking up his gun and the stuff he needs.

"Will do" shadow Freddy says. Springtrap walks around the back of the hideout where all the bedrooms are.

He try's to be quiet as possible but it's a bit hard because the grass is covered is leafs and twigs.

He looks up and sees chicas bedroom balcony. Springtrap jumps up and grabs onto the balcony bars and lifts himself over.

Springtrap sees the cot through the window. He gets a hair grip that was Balloras and picks the lock.

He slides open the balcony door as quiet as he can. He steps into chicas room and goes over to the cot.

He looks down at Maisie who is awake, staring back up at Springtrap. He lifts Maisie up and she starts crying.

"Fuck! Shut up!" Springtrap whisper shouts. Chica Wakes up hearing her baby crying, her eyes widen when she sees Springtrap holding Maisie.

Bonnie Wakes up quickly. Springtrap sees there both awake and makes a run for it.

"Stop!!" Chica shouts getting out of bed and running after Springtrap. Bonnie gets out of bed and try's to grab Springtrap before he escapes with his daughter.

Springtrap gets over the balcony and jumps down and runs back to the car with Maisie crying out for her mama and dada.

"This can't be happening!!" Bonnie shouts worriedly. Chica runs out of the bedroom grabbing her gun that she has on her makeup table and runs down stairs.

Bonnie runs after Chica down the stairs. Chica opens the front door and sees a car driving away.

"No no no!!" Chica cry's drooping to her knees. "What's going on" golden Freddy asks walking out of his bedroom along with everyone else.

"Springtrap has taken Maisie!!" Bonnie has angrily. "Wait what!!?" The others say at the same time in shock.

"I'm going to find him and kill him myself!!" Bonnie shouts. Bonnie pulls Chica up from the floor and hugs her tightly.

"We are going to help" Freddy says running down the stairs. "He is so fucking dead, I'm going to cut open his throat" Chica says through her teeth.

Springtrap holds Maisie as shadow Freddy drives. "You should of seem their faces when I took their daughter" Springtrap laughs.

"Where are you going to keep her you can't go back to your place because they will find her easily" shadow Freddy says.

"Do you think I'm that stupid? One of my close mates has a house that he never uses that is out of town they are never gonna find her there" Springtrap says.

"You need to head back to your place and get a few things then I will drive you to that house" shadow Freddy says.

Springtrap nods as shadow Freddy heads back to springtraps apartment.

Springtrap take Maisie up to his apartment with him so he can get his stuff. He walks into his apartment and everyone  that didn't know his plan look at him in confusion.

"Don't tell me you got a chick pregnant and they drop the baby off to you" baby says. "No actually this is Chica and Bonnies newborn I just kidnapped it now I'm taking it with me out of town" Springtrap says.

Babys eyes widen, she looks scared. "Are you serious!'" baby shouts. "What?" Springtrap questions.

"You have taken Chica and Bonnies child! are you crazy!? they are going to kill every one of us" baby shouts.

"No they won't" Springtrap says. "Are you that dumb that all your worried about is getting back at them that you don't think of what it can cause" baby says.

"I hate Chica and Bonnie but taking a newborn baby away from its mother and father is bad Springtrap, they will kill anyone in their way without hesitation if it means to get their daughter back and that means us, it's like taking a pup away from two hungry and dangerous wolfs, you are putting us all in danger because of your selfishness, think about" Baby says walking away from Springtrap.

Springtrap think about what baby said but he still goes and gets his stuff and leaves the apartment.

"I got my stuff let's go before they come searching" Springtrap says getting Into the car.

"What about the baby it needs nappy changing and milk" shadow Freddy says. "I will get that so it doesn't start fucking cry" Springtrap says. 

Maisie has fallen asleep in springtraps arms clueless of what's going to happen.


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