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Golden Freddy finally pulls up to the that took forever to get to. "No one is gonna find us out here I can tell you that now" Chica says hopping out of the car carry her stuff that got taken away from the police.

"Yep I made sure of that" Golden Freddy says locking the car up. It's round about midnight so everyone gets inside as quick as possible.

Chica runs upstairs to get out of her prison clothes and into something more better.

"Feels good to be High again" Foxy smiles happily. "Here" Foxy says passing the joint to Bonnie.

Bonnie takes one hit "thanks mate" Bonnie says passing him back the joint.

Meanwhile Chica gets into the shower and washes her hair and body from being in a dirty prison cell.

She thinks back to when she was in the car and Bonnie wrapped his arm around her. Chica loves Bonnie to bits and she thinks he still has feeling for her.

After washing herself Chica wraps a towel around her and walks out of the bathroom and down the hallway to her bedroom.

"Night chi" Freddy says passing her to go to his room, "night Fred" Chica says back as she enters her room.

After closing her door she drops the towel on the floor and puts on clean underwear

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After closing her door she drops the towel on the floor and puts on clean underwear.

All Chica sleeps in is her underwear or pair of pj shorts and a bra. She goes to her makeup table and brushes her hair.

Bonnie walks up the stairs and goes to find Chica. He walks down the hallways until he stops at chicas room.

He knocks before opening the door, he sees Chica sitting down at her makeup table brushing her wet hair.

"Oh hi bonnie" Chica says turning around to face him. "Hi" Bonnie says coming further into the room and shutting the door behind him.

Chica hearts start beating fast, "what do you need?" Chica asks. "Umm I want to talk to you" Bonnie says coming closer to her.

Chica gets up from her makeup table not caring that she's in a bra and a pair of short shorts. Bonnie try's not to stare at her breasts as much as he can.

Chica notices this and smirks "are you sure you wanted to just talk?" Chica bites down on her bottom lip as she sits on her makeup table pulling Bonnie closer to her.

Bonnie cant hold the love for Chica no longer as he slams his lips onto hers. Chica takes a sharp breath in as she kisses him back straight away.

Chica melts into the kiss as she wraps her arms around Bonnies neck pulling him closer to her.

Chica opens her legs so Bonnie can step in between them. They both pull apart at the same time.

"I have alway loved you I just wanted you to have a happy future if I didn't come out of prison" Bonnie says resting his forehead on hers.

♡Bonnie x Chica♡Where stories live. Discover now