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After the withereds finally lefts everyone started to relax. "The look on Cindys face when she found out you have a baby" mangle giggles along with chica.

"I know right" chica says finishing off giggling. "I actually can't wait to get back at them for taking everything from us" Chica says as Mangle nods, "I don't blame you they took a lot from you lot" Mangle smiles weakly as Chica nod.

"I'm going to make that bitch Cindy pay as well" Chica says slightly angry. "I actually don't know what's happened between you two?" Mangle wonders.

"I will explain, months before Bonnie and the guys got put in prison me and Bonnie broke up because we was arguing too much, then he started having this thing with Cindy, I still loved him a lot, seeing them together was hell, she also kept rubbing it in my face being childish and what not. Then he broke it off with her and came back to me because I'm better at making him happy if you know what I mean" Chica explained as Mangle nodded.

"wow what a bitch" Mangle says as Chica nodded. "I mean I can't blame Bonnie for going back to you I would soo date you if I wasn't straight" Mangle smirked making Chica laugh.

"Are things going well with Foxy?" Chica asks as Mangle nods grinning happily, "yes". As Mangle was about to say something their heads turn to the sound of Maisie cooing loudly as Bonnie is holding her while talking to Foxy in the kitchen.

"I really want one" Mangle whined dreamily as Chica smiles, "why don't you? You have nothing to loose" Chica asks as she responds, "I know but it's Foxy isn't it, he might not be ready for a baby" Mangle says.

"He would be a great dad, he always helps me out with Maisie when Bonnie is doing something...what I'm saying is that he is good with kids" Chica smiled.

"I will talk with him tonight" Mangle smirks slightly making Chica laugh, "ooo it's going to go down". Chica spots Bonnie walking over with Maisie, "I'm gonna smoke outside with Foxy" Bonnie said handing Chica their  baby to her, "ok" She simply responds back taking her baby in her arms.

"Hello my gorgeous babyy!" Chica squeals in a high pitch baby voice that she can't control when speaking to her daughter because she's soo adorable.

Maisie coos loudly as Mangle stares and smiles, "I always wanted to be a mother" she smiled as she still looked a Maisie, "at first when I found out I was pregnant I thought I wasn't going to be a good mum but it's you're instinct that comes out and you will be a great mother" Chica says laying Maisie her my chest.

//time skipped//

It's getting late and everyone has gone up to their rooms for the night. After Chica finished nursing her baby she puts her down to sleep for the night.

"We really need to sort that baby bedroom out" Chica said stripping down to her underwear because that's all she sleeps in, "yeah it will be done soon, baby" Bonnie says getting into bed as Chica closes the bedroom curtains.

She hops into bed with Bonnie snuggling up to him, "I hope you was ok with seeing Cindy for the first time in ages" Bonnie says stroking her hair as She closes her eyes, "well not really, I still wanted to punch her" Chica mumbles tiredly making Bonnie laugh slightly.

Chica feels her eyes getting heavier by the second and before she knows it she's fallen asleep along with Bonnie.


Hello lads sorry for not updating this book in some time, I just been updating the thousands of books I have, I really want to start this book up again so be prepared for some updates.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2020 ⏰

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