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"Where the hell is this place it's like in the middle of nowhere" chica says looking at the screen in the car.

"Springtrap thinks we won't find her out here" Bonnie says keeping his eye on the road. After sometime the gang stop outside the house.

Chica gets out along with Bonnie. "Is this it?" Foxy asks looking up at the big house that's behind gates.

"Looks like it" Bonnie says walking slowly over to the gate. "How are we gonna get it?" Mangle asks, "these big houses always has a back to them so we will
Go through the back" chica says beginning to walk to the back of the house.

The back gates haven't got spikes on the top like the front so they can climb over. The guys lift over the girls first before lifting themselves over.

"This house does not look nice" chica whispers in disgust. "The door is open?" Chica says in surprise, "that's doesn't feel right" she says.

"I will go in first" Bonnie says walking in. The others walk in when bonnie said it's ok. "Now where is Maisie, I won't be happy if we just broke into some old lady's house because shadow Freddy told us the address" chica scoffs.

"How did you find me?!" Springtrap shouts walking out in front of them armed. "You have no chance Springtrap there is six of us and one of you" chica says angrily.

"Actually I'm not alone" springtrap smirks. "Where is my daughter!?" Chica shouts pointing her gun at him getting annoyed.

"I don't think that is a good idea" springtrap says pointing his gun at her chest. Bonnie eyes widen in worry and shots him in the arm not killing him just yet.

Springtrap roars out in pain as Chica hears Maisie crying out loudly. Chica runs off to get her daughter, "get her!!" Springtrap demands as a few of his gang members go after her.

Bonnie runs after chica but Funtime foxy stops him. Bonnie elbows him in the face and punches him, the others are fighting off springtraps crew.

The two people that where chasing after chica loose her. Chica follows her baby's cry's but gets stopped by lolbit. lolbit pushes chica into the wall hard but chica gets back up.

She pulls out a knife and try's to slash it across chicas face but she dodges it. Chica grabs lolbits arm that has the knife twists it hearing a crunch.

Lolbit screams out because chica broke her arm causing her to drop the knife. Chica lets go of lolbits arm and grabs her by her top.

Chica walks over to the banister making lolbit walk backwards pushing lolbit over the banister. Chica looks over the banister and sees lolbit laying on her back on the floor not telling if she's dead or alive.

She opens the door where she hears Maisie crying, seeing Maisie laying in a dusty cot that looks years old.

She picks up her baby quickly. "It's ok mummy's here" chica calmly says rubbing Maisie's back. Maisie feels cold and she's hungry, springtrap just left her in here.

Maisie is still crying so chica rests Maisie's head on her shoulder. "It's ok my little love your safe" chica says kissing Maisie's cheek.

Chica feels the urge to nurse her. She walks out of the bedroom and into a cold bathroom locking the door and starts breastfeeding her baby.

She knows she's supposed to be down stairs checking if bonnie and the others are alright but she needs to feed her hungry baby that's crying.

"I bet your not clean either" chica whispers gently as she looks down at Maisie. "I'm so glad your not hurt"
Chica says holding her baby tight.

After chica has finished nursing her baby she burps her so she doesn't get a stomach ache.

Chica holds her baby to her chest with one hand and the other is holding a gun for projection as She makes her way down stairs.

Springtraps crew is either knocked out or dead but springtrap is still knocked out. "I've found her!" chica says happily running over to bonnie.

Bonnie takes his daughter in his arms kissing her chin before cuddling her. "I found her in a dirty cot freezing cold and crying so I nursed her quickly" chica says.

Bonnie looks down at springtrap angrily and pulls his gun out and shots him in the head without hesitation "That's what he gets for taking our daughter away" Bonnie says in disgust.

Chica looks at mangle to make sure she's ok. She's holding on to foxys biceps. "Are you ok mags?" Chica Asks worriedly.

Mangle nods, "serves him right for taking your baby" mangle says blankly.

The gang make there way out of the house and back out the front to their cars. Chica gets into Bonnies car.

Bonnie hands Maisie to chica so he can drive. "When we get home I'm going to check if she has any marks on her them I'm going to bath her and she's sleeping with us" chica says putting on the car heating so Maisie doesn't get cold.


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