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Chica and bonnie get dressed along with everyone else, Chica and bonnie are raging. "Once I find that cunt I'm going to shoot him right through the head" Bonnie says loading his gun.

"If we hurts her I swear- Chica says but stops because she doesn't want to start crying. "If his has laid a single finger on her you watch, it isn't going to be pretty" Bonnie says.

It's about nine in the morning and bonnie and Chica head down stairs with their guns. "Ok so we will all split up and text you if we find someone or something" Freddy says.

"If you find one of springtraps gang members bring them here" bonnie says. "Why here?" Freddy asks, "ahh that would be telling" bonnie smirks slightly.

"whatever your gonna do I'm in" chica says. "Ok" bonnie nods.

The gang get in their cars and split up. Foxy, mangle have gone together and Freddy and goldie have gone by themselves.

Bonnie and chica pull up to springtraps apartment. "She probably isn't here because he will knows we will look here" chica says.

"I know but someone will know where he has gone with our daughter" Bonnie says grabbing his gun and getting out along with chica.

They enter the apartment and take the stairs. Bonnie knocks loudly on springtraps door. Shadow Freddy answers the door.

Bonnie busts through the door and grabs shadow freddy by the neck pointing his gun at him. "Where the fuck has he gone with our daughter!!!" Bonnie booms loudly.

Chica points her gun at baby and shadow foxy that are in the living room "move and I will blow your brains out!!" Chica screams.

The two puts their hands up because they have nothing to protect themselves with. "I-I don't know w-what your t-talking about" shadow Freddy stutters.

"Tell me where he has gone" bonnie says through his teeth angrily pressing the front of the gun on shadow Freddy's cheek.

Shadow Freddy looks scared "ok ok! He has gone out of town but I can't remember....where" shadow Freddy lies.

"You can't remember ok then" bonnie says knocking him out making shadow Freddy fall to the ground.

Baby and shadow foxy want to help shadow Freddy but they can't because chica is pointing her gun at them.

"If he isn't going tell us then we will have to force it out of him" bonnie says. "Be ready for him to come back unrecognisable" chica says as bonnie lifts up shadows Freddy front and dragging him out of the door.

They make their way down stairs and outside. Bonnie tapes shadow Freddy's arms, legs and mouth and chucks him in the boot.

"All I want is my daughter back" chica says sadly getting into bonnies car. "I know my love I do to and we will do" bonnie says honestly.

They text the others on the group chat telling them their heading home soon after Bonnie pulls up outside the hideout and gets out.

Bonnie opens the boot and sees that shadow Freddy is still out. "Before we left I threaten baby and shadow Freddy if they tell springtraps that we have shadow Freddy I will kill them" chica says standing next to bonnie.

"That's good" bonnie huffs dragging shadow Freddy out. "This fucker is a deadweight" Bonnie Huffs dragging him down to the basement.

Bonnie and chica grab a chair and tie him to it. chica hear footsteps coming down the basement. "Why did you come back here" mangle asks as the guys follow behind her.

"Look who we got" chica says getting a bucket and filling it up with water. Chica chucks it over shadow Freddy to wake him up.

Shadow Freddy gasps loudly "w-where am I? Oww my head" he whines. "Your in a basement you idiot" chica says standing In front of him crossing her arms over her chest.

Shadow Freddy'a scans over everyone "please don't kill me" shadow Freddy shakes. "We won't unless if you don't tell us where my daughter is?" Chica says getting angry again.

"What!? No! I can't tell you springtraps will kill me" shadow Freddy says worriedly. "Darling your gonna get killed either way so tell me where my baby is or your gonna die" chica says pulling her pistol out of her back jean pocket.

"I-I can't" shadow Freddy stutters. Bonnie strikes him across the face with his fist "tell me where my daughter is now because I will be the one that will kill you!!!" Bonnie shouts a angrily.

Shadow Freddy nose starts bleeding along with his lip. "If I tell you do you promise to not kill me?" Shadow Freddy cries.

"Well that depends" chica says. "Springtrap has gone out of town and is staying in one of his close mates house that he doesn't use..I drove him there" shadow  Freddy says.

"Why do we know your not lying" golden Freddy questions. "Why would I lie when I'm going to get killed?" Shadow Freddy cries.

"Stop crying you pussy and tell me the address" chica says getting her phone out and goes onto google maps.

After shadow Freddy told chica the address she looks it up to see where it is. "It's an hour away from here" chica says.

"Well let's go" mangle says rushing up the stairs along with the others.

"What about me??" Shadow Freddy shouts out. Bonnie stops and turns to him "next time answer my questions quicker" Bonnie says following the others.


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