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Weeks have passed and today is the day that Chica has her first check up and baby scan.

Her stomach has grown which is making her happy. As Chica heads down stairs her phone rings, she look at her phone and doesn't recognise the number.

"Hello?" Chica says answering. "You have no clue what you have done" a male voice is heard over the phone, Chica straight away recognises the voice.

"I'm guessing you have seen the little gift I posted through your letter box about three weeks ago, where have you been?" Chica smirks as she enters the kitchen.

"Fuck you chica!! Your going to pay for what you have done to my brother!!" Springtrap shouts down the phone.

"Yeah? And I will do something much more worse then cutting your brothers fingers off. you should be thankful that I never killed him for what you did to bonnie, next time which won't be a next time I will not only cut your brothers finger off and post them to you I will give you his dead body" Chica threatens ending the call.

Chica puts her phone down on the kitchen counter and gets fruit out of the fridge that she is craving.

Chica feels arms wrap around her baby bump from the back making her smile because she knows who it is.

"Are you nearly ready for the ultrasound" Bonnie asks. "Yes I am" Chica says with a mouth of fruit.

"Who was you on the phone to a minute ago?" Bonnie asks. "It was springtrap he just saw plushtraps fingers I posted, he obviously went away until everything calmed because he shot you and he knew I would kill him, so I said if he hurts you I will send him his brothers dead body instead" Chica smiles pecking Bonnies lips.

"Chi it's my job to look after you not the other way round" Bonnie says. "I know but I love you so much" Chica smiles kissing Bonnies lips.

Bonnie wraps his arms around her waist and kisses her back. "I love you to" Bonnie says rubbing his nose against hers.

The two leave for there appointment with the nurse. After  some time Bonnie pulls up to the hospital and parks in the car park.

"I'm a bit nervous I hate hospitals" Chica laughs nervously. "You will be fine, this is a different hospital anyways because we are wanted by the police and someone can turn us in" Bonnie says.

"But wasn't the hospital you stayed at normal?" Chica asks. "No it was like this one" Bonnie says as he gets out of the car along with Chica.

"But still I'm nervous" Chica says taking Bonnies hand as he locks his Aldi TT, "you will be fine" Bonnie says again.

The wait to see the nurse wasn't long. Chica sits nervously on the hospital bed as Bonnie holds her hand.

The nurse enters the room, "hi nice to meet you so your here for a baby scan?" The nurse asks.

"Yeah" Chica nods. "Ok could you lay down on the bed as Set everything up" the nurse asks politely.

Bonnie let's goes of chicas hand as she lays down on the hospital bed. The nurse lifts up chicas top making her jump slightly.

"Sorry didn't mean to make you jump, I'm going to place some gel on your stomach for the ultrasound is that ok?" The nurse asks.

"It's ok and yeah" Chica smiles weakly. The nurse puts the cold gel on chicas stomach.

Chica puts her hand out for Bonnie to hold. He gets up from the chair and holds chicas hand.

"Here's your baby" the nurse says. Bonnie and Chica look up at the screen with widen eyes. "Omg" Bonnie says, the nurse moves the ultrasound thing around on chicas belly.

"It's healthy as well" the nurse smiles. "I can't believe that's our baby" Chica says looking at the screen.

The nurse prints off a copy of the baby scan and gives it to Bonnie. The nurse wipes off the gel with a towel.

"So you will need to come back here at the beginning of your second trimester to see how the baby is" the nurse says.

Chica gets off the bed and grabs her hand bang. "See you then" Chica says as Bonnie takes her hand in his walking out of the room.

"I'm craving pizza" Chica says opening the car door to Bonnies car. "I will cook you pizza when we get home" Bonnie says getting into the car along with Chica.

Not long after Bonnie pulls up to the hideout and Chica gets out running inside to show mangle the baby scan.

"Mangleeeeeee" Chica shouts out standing in the foyre. "You have summoned meeeee" mangle says sliding down the stair banister.

The guys shake their head at them and laugh. "Look at my baby scan" Chica says showing mangle.

"Omg" mangle gasps with widen eyes. "I want the gender to be a surprise" Chica smiles. 

"I'm so excited" mangle squeals happily. "I know I am to" Chica smiles.


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