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When chica and bonnie got home chica went straight up stairs to bath Maisie while bonnie went down to the basement to let shadow Freddy go.

Chica holds Maisie as she runs the bath. She fill the tub up with a little bit of warm water because chica hasn't got a baby bath yet for Maisie.

Chica throws Maisie's used nappy in the bin as she takes off her clothes for the bath. Maisie coos slightly as chica puts Maisie in the bath for the first time.

Maisie's eyes widen before she starts crying. "It's ok bubs" chica says gently putting warms water on Maisie's stomach as she holds her up so she doesn't drown.

Chica is holding Maisie with one hand and washing her with the other. Maisie soon gets used to the water but she's mad.

Bonnie knocks on the bathroom door before entering. "How is she?" Bonnie asks crouching down next to chica.

"I didn't find a single mark on her which is good but she's mad at me for bathing her" chica laughs. "that's good, Do you need help?" Bonnie asks kissing chicas neck.

Chica smiles "yes can you hold her so I can put some shampoo on her hair please" Chica asks as Bonnie nods and holds Maisie's up as chica washes her hair.

Maisie's screeches from anger because she's doesn't like the feeling of water on her head. "She's mad" bonnie chuckles.

"I know" chica says rinsing her hair with a cup of warm water. After washing Maisie's hair chica drys her with a warm towel. "Ooooo your so warm and cuddly" chica says in a baby voice cuddling Maisie.

Chica puts a clean nappy on Maisie and puts her into a baby pink baby grow. "Look at her hair" Bonnie laughs.

Maisie gets little curls when her hair is wet and the same happens to bonnie when his hair is wet. "It's the same as yours" chica smiles kissing Maisie's cheek.

bonnie kissing Maisie's forehead. After chica has breastfed Maisie she lays down on her bed with her baby.

"You two look cozy" Bonnie says sliding into bed. "I can't wait to start decorating your room into Maisie's room" chica says.

"I bet you can't" bonnie chuckles as he climbs into bed making sure not to squish Maisie. Maisie whines slightly rubbing her eyes with her hands.

"Look like someone is tired" Bonnie says smiling down at Maisie. "We need to get her a dummy for her to suck so she stops trying to suck my fingers and your earlobe" chica says smiling down at Maisie.

"Actually We need to go out and buy stuff for her like a pushchair, more clothes and other stuff as well" chica adds.

"Yeah we do but change of subject do you think Foxy and mangle are together" Bonnie says.

As they said that they hear banging and moaning next door coming from Foxys room. "That answers the question" Bonnie chuckles as he covers Maisie's ears in a jokingly way.

"They should blast some music if they are going to fuck" Chica laugh making Bonnie chuckles. "But we don't" Bonnie smirks making Chica blush, "true" Chica says.

Bonnie and Chica realise that Maisie's has fallen asleep so Bonnie picks her up gently and places Maisie's in her cot gently.

Chica wraps her arms around Bonnie as he climb back onto bed. "I'm so tired but I'm happy we got our bubba back and killed springtrap for taking her" Chica yawns snuggling up to Bonnie more resting her head on his chest.

"Same here" he says wrapping his arms around Chica as the both fall asleep.


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