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Chica is angry and wondering why Cindy Bonnies ex is back in town she hated Gotham and she wouldn't of came back for no reason.

"Chi calm down" Mangle says from the passenger seat as Chica pulls up to the mansion. "There is a reason why that bitch is back" Chica says turning off the engine and stepping out of the car and marching to the mansion front door.

Chica storms in through the front door "woah Chi what's wrong?" Foxy asks. "Someone has told Cindy that Bonnie is out of prison because I just saw her at the mall" Chica says angrily.

"Wait Cindy's back?! That means the withereds are to" Freddy says. "Hey what's wrong?" Bonnie asks worriedly.

"I just saw Cindy your ex at the mall why is she back?" Chica says getting annoyed. "I don't know?" Bonnie shrugs.

"She's probably back because she's knows your out of prison" Chica says. "So what if she is I don't love her or even like her" Bonnie says honestly.

"You had an on and off relationship with that whore so I don't believe you" Chica says crossing her arms making Bonnie shake his head.

"We weren't together chi why would I do that to you and Maisie" Bonnie says as he goes to grab Chica hand but she moves it away. "I don't care I'm going to get my stuff out of the car and then I'm going to go up stairs to my room and if you disturb me be prepared for a pillow to be thrown at your head and that goes for the three of you as well" Chica says to the boys as she matches back outside to get her stuff.

"Girls" Golden Freddy sighs as he goes back to playing his game on the PlayStation. "I don't know why she's so angry, me and Cindy haven't dated since college and that was a long long time ago" Bonnie sighs sitting on the sofa next to foxy.

"Maybe she due on or just hormonal, maybe it's because you two haven't fucked in a while, she's just getting agitated" Foxy says making Freddy laugh.

Bonnie sighs as he shakes his head. Mean while Chica takes her stuff upstairs and into her room seeing Maisie is asleep in her cot.

Chica takes all of her designer shoes and clothes out of the bags and placed them on her bed along with Maisie's clothes.

Chica hears her baby whining so she gets up from her and picks Maisie's up from her cot. "I got you some stuff my princess" Chica says getting the packet of dummy's and opening them with on hand because she's holding Maisie to her chest with the other hand.

"No more sucking on mine or dadas fingers" Chica says putting the dummy in Maisie's mouth for her to suck on.

Chica places Maisie down on the bed and puts all the stuff she brought away. After Chica has puts Maisie into her pjs she gets into hers to.

Chica gets into bed and turn on the tv that's in her room. "I love you" Chica says kissing Maisie's little nose making her coo.

Maisie is laying on Chicas chest as she's holding onto Chica's index finger. Her bedroom doors opens as her head turns towards the door and sees Bonnie.

"I'm guessing you want the pillow" Chica says as Bonnie shuts the door behind me. "No I don't, I want to tell you that even though Cindy is back I still love you" Bonnie says.

"I just don't like her, she's always tried to ruin our relationship by trying to touch you and stuff" Chica says placing Maisie's gently back into her cot because she's fallen asleep.

"I know but why are you angry at me?" Bonnie asks sitting on the bed. Chica is silent for a second, "because I think you texted her" Chica says crossing her arms.

"What?! Are you serious why would I do that?!" Bonnie asks angrily. "Because you always had feeling for her and I'm scared that now she's back you will run off with her!!" Chica says raising her voice.

"I would never do that to you or our baby and you treat me like this after I gave you my bank card to spend it on designer shit for yourself!! all you do is take my credit card and swipe and swipe but I let you have it because I love you!!" Bonnie says as his shouting now.

"I lost my bank card and you know that!!! this is the second time I used you bank card I don't spend your money often!!!" Chica shouts getting a pillow and starts attacking Bonnie with it.

"Don't hit me with a pillow because I will hit you with one" Bonnie warns but Chica doesn't care. "Come on then" Chica challenges feeling slightly hormonal for some reason.

Bonnie obviously wouldn't hit Chica with a pillow because he wouldn't want to hurt her because his much stronger than Chica.

Chica throws another pillow at Bonnie but he hits it away. "I'm waiting" Chica says coming closer to Bonnie.

Chica really wants Bonnie but she needs to stay angry. "I'm not going to hit you with a fucking pillow chi" Bonnie says as making Chica come even more closer to him.

Bonnie is standing at the end of the bed and chica is on her knees as she's eye level with him.

Bonnie slowly wraps his arms around Chicas waist pulling her slightly more closer. "I love you and only you I want to show you how much I love you" Bonnie says whispering in her ear sending shivers down Chicas back.

"I know how much you love me and I'm sorry for lashing out on you like that I just don't want to loose you" Chica says putting her hands on Bonnies neck as she gently rubs her thumb on his neck.

"Let me show you how much I love you" Bonnie says moving Chicas hair out of the way revealing her neck
seeing the faded love bites that he made a couple of days ago.

(Sexi part is coming so be prepared)

He starts kissing, sucking and biting Chicas neck making new ones. The sound of Chica moaning quietly is making Bonnie aroused.

Chica giggle slightly as she pulls Bonnie onto the bed with her. He straddles Chica as she undoes His belt.

Bonnie pulls chicas top off revealing her black lace bra as he starts kissing her cleavage as she runs her hands through Bonnies hair.

"Bonnie I need you now" Chica whines impatiently as Bonnie kisses all over her body. "Be patient" Bonnie smirks as he grinds on Chica teasingly.

He pulls off Chicas skirt leaving her in just her lace knickers  as Bonnie pulls chica closer to him as he takes off her top with a little help from Chica.

When Chica is in her underwear Bonnie takes off his pants as Chica undoes her bra throwing it on the floor as Bonnie slides off Chicas knickers.

"Have you got any condom?" He ask as Chica shakes her head, "no, just pull out" Chica says starts kissing Bonnie lips.

He pulls Chica closer to him by her hips as he enters her harshly making her moan. Bonnie moves his hips at a fast pace making Chica moan loudly.

Bonnie moan as he opens Chicas legs more wider as he leans over and starts kissing her neck. Chica moves her hips in sync with his making it more pleasurable for her and Bonnie.

Bonnie flips them overs so Chica is on top and his at the bottom. Bonnie grabs Chicas ass firmly and squeezes it as she puts her hands on his chest and starts riding him.

Bonnies groans moving Chica up and down on him making her moan. "I'm gon- Bonnie says as he quickly pulls out and comes along with Chica.

Chica is breathless as she lays beside Bonnie and  feels bonnie wrap his arms around her waist and kisses her cheek.

"I love you Chica" Bonnie says honesty as Chica smile, "I love you more" She says resting her head on his chest.


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