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The sound of Maisie crying wakes Chica up instantly thinking that someone has came for her again but when she looks at the cot no one is there.

Chica looks at the time and it's five in the morning. She gets out of bed and walks over to Maisie's cot where she's crying.

"It's ok baby mummy's here" Chica says gently as she picks her up. Chica knows that Maisie is hungry so she start to nurse her straight away.

"Is everything ok?" Bonnie asks worriedly waking up. "Yes princess was just hungry" Chica says looking down at Maisie as she breast feeds.

Chica smiles as she cradles Maisie in her arms. Bonnie nods as his head falls back down on the pillow slowly falling back to sleep.

After Maisie is finished breast feeding Chica burps her and places her back into the cot.

She waits a couple of seconds before she gets into bed because Maisie might start crying again. After waiting for a minute Maisie falls back to sleep.

Chica gets back into bed feeling Bonnie wrapping his arms around her as she falls back to sleep.

Hours have passed and it's now nine in the morning. All of a sudden Mangle jumps onto Chica, 'Morning you lazy hoe get up!!!" Mangle shouts waking Chica up making her scream.

Mangle laughs as Chica groans, "what's the time?" Chica asks tiredly as Mangle is sitting on Chicas stomach.

"It's nine in the morning" Mangle says as Chica wakes up a bit more. "Where Bonnie and Maisie?" Chica asks noticing that they are not in the room.

"Down stairs with everyone else your the only one that's still in bed the guys sent me upstairs to wake you up, diving on you was all me" Mangle laughs as she rolls off Chica.

"I'm surprised your not tired from the action you and foxy had last night" Chica smirks as she sits up in bed.

"W-what you heard that" Mangle stutters as she blushes. "Well it's not hard as My room in next to Foxys and you to moaning" Chica smirks seeing Mangles face go red.

"Did he use a condom?" Chica asks, "yes" Mangle says as Chica gets out of bed only wearing pjs shorts and a white tank top.

"Just making sure because I'm surprised that foxy didn't go raw because he's so eager" Chica says.

"I know " Mangle laughs slightly. "Are you two together now?" Chica asks as Mangle nods blushing.

"That's so good because Foxy has always had feelings for you" Chica says smiling making Mangle smile to.

The girls make there way down stairs and into the kitchen where the guys are eating. As there is a baby around now smoking it's taken outside.

"The quicker we get those dummy's for Maisie to suck on the better" Bonnie says I enter the kitchen. Chica giggle slightly seeing Maisie sucking on Bonnies earlobe.

"Morning sleepy head" Foxy says teases as Chica sits down on the sofa with Bonnie, and Mangle stands in front of Foxy as he sits on the kitchen stool wrapping his arms around her waist from behind.

"Morning shagga-lot" I say hinting from last night. Mangle face goes red as Foxy is confused. "What's with the nickname?" Foxy asks.

"Oh come on man we all heard you fucking last night it's wasn't hard to not hear" Bonnie says making Mangles cheeks go so red along with Foxys.

"It's was bad with you two" Freddy says to Chica and Bonnie "but you and Mangle jeez" Freddy says making golden laugh.

"Umm Chi shall we go shopping today?" Mangle coughs trying to change the subject. "Yeah why not I need to get some stuff anyways" Chica says.

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