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Bonnie got Chica a ice pack for her nose. "I knew I should of came with you" Bonnie sigh as he gently place the ice pack on chicas nose.

"Ahh fuck" Chica hisses in pain, "it will take away the swelling cupcake" Bonnie says. "That's a new nickname" Chica says.

"I know" Bonnie smirks. After a while the swelling has gone down and the nose is bruised.

Chica looks in the mirror "I look messed up" Chica groans. "Well you did get punched in the face chi" foxy says.

"I'm going to find that motherfucker and kill him" Bonnie says angrily. "Springtrap is hard to find we know where he lives but his never there, the only place we don't know is where his gangs hideout is unless..." Freddy says looking at mangle.

Mangle looks confused as to why we are all staring at her "what?" Mangle says. "You know where springtrap's hideout is you are his girlfriend" Freddy says.

"Uhhh actually ex" mangle mumbles looking sad. Mangle knows the springtrap is a dick and he hurt her but one point in their life they loved each other a lot but springtrap become aggressive and mangle still loved him it's gonna take some time for her to get over him.

"Oh ok, but you know where his hideout is right?" Freddy questions, Yes I do" mangle say.

"We can go there and shoot up the place" Freddy says sounding excited. "Guys springtrap is gonna expect us to look for him so we go off the radar for a bit then he will think we ain't coming but we'll turn up when he least expect us" Chica explains.

"I have to say I agree with Chica" golden Freddy says leaning backwards on the table. "Springtrap and his gang will expect us and they will be armed and ready but when they think we ain't coming, they won't be ready" golden Freddy says smirking.

"I want to be apart of this" mangle pipes up. "You'll have to train and learn how to defend yourself and how to shoot and uses weapons that will take some time" golden Freddy explains.

Mangle nods "I want revenge on springtrap and if that means joining my best friends gang that he hates so much and going against him then yes I will do the training" mangle smiles.

"Yess there needs to be some woman power in this gang" Chica smirks.

Some time later everyone started putting the Christmas decorations up around the house because it's nearly Christmas.

"What do you want for christmas babe?" Bonnie asks Chicas as he puts baubles on the tree.

Chica thinks for a minute "I don't know to be honest" Chica smiles. Bonnie pulls Chica towards him gently by her hips.

"How about I give you a baby for Christmas?" Bonnie whispers sexually in chicas ear kissing underneath it.

Chicas eyes widen as she blushes. Chica never really thought about having a child with Bonnie because she thinks it's unsafe to bring it up where there is gangs and weapons.

"B-Bonnie" Chica moans quietly, "yes my love?" Bonnie responds. "I don't think Im ready to have a baby yet and it's not safe to bring it up in a gang" Chica whispers so no on can hear.

"I didn't mean to make you worried i would never make you pregnant when your not ready to be a mother" Bonnie says seriously.

"But when I do, I want my first child to be with you" Chica smiles. "Of course" Bonnie says pecking Chicas lips.

"If you two are gonna start fucking I insist you take it up stairs" Freddy laughs. Chica picks up a pillow and throws it at freddys head making everyone laughs.

"Oh hush!" Chica says. After a couple of hours the house is decorated for Christmas and everyone is sitting down in the living room watching a movie.

Golden Freddy has fallen asleep on the floor as Freddy is laying on the sofa. Mangle is leaning on foxy and Bonnie and Chica are cuddling.

Chicas head is laying on Bonnies chest as they watch the movie. Chica eventually falls asleep in Bonnies warm arms.


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