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Chica walks out the hospital and calls a taxi to take her to where springtraps brother drinks. If one person knows where springtrap is it's plushtrap.

Chica pays the taxi driver and get out of the car, Chica looks up at the pubs before walking in. The pub isn't that busy but she doesn't spot plushtrap.

"Excuse me do you know where plushtrap is?" Chica asks the bartender that plushtrap is friends with.

The bartender looks at Chica and recognises her. "Look who it is Chica Taylor, do you actually think I will tell you where plushtrap is?" The bartender says.

Chica angrily grabs him by his top and pulls him across the the bar "tell me where he is" Chica snaps pointing a knife to his chest.

The bartender looks scared and starts to tremble "his down stairs playing darts with his mates" he says quickly.

"Now that wasn't hard was it?" Chica smiles as she pushes him back making him fall to the ground.

Chica looks to the side and sees people are staring in shock. Chica flicks her hair out of her face and heads down stairs.

Chica slams open the door and sees plushtrap leaning back in his chair. "You have some nerve coming in here mumma" plushtrap smirks.

Chica matches over to him and kicks the chair leg away making him fall back. Chica grabs him by his top and lifts him up and slams him against the wall.

"How do you know about my child?!" Chica says loosing her temper. "After your friends invaded my brothers hideout and springtrap shot Bonnie I got someone to follow you to the hospital and they heard you tell the guys you was pregnant" plushtrap barely says because Chica is holding him up by her arm.

"I need to talk to you in private" Chica says. "You lot go I'm fine" plushtrap nods to his mates and they get up and leave.

"Where is springtrap?" Chica ask, "like I'm gonna tell yo- plushtrap says but gets cut off by Chica pushing her arm against his chest more so he can't breathe.

Chica let's him go and grabs his arm and hold his arm down as his hand place on the table. "Where is he?" Chica asks getting inpatient.

"I ain't telling you!" Plushtrap says trying to escape from chicas grip. "But this will" Chica says pulling out a knife and slams it down on one of his fingers, chopping it off.

Plushtrap screams out in pain, "that's what you get for not telling me where your brother is, now one last chance are you gonna tell me?" Chica questions.

"Fuck you I hope your unborn child dies" plushtrap says in pain. Chica hand grips more tightly around the knife as she cuts off another finger.

Blood oozes out of the finger she first cut off.

Plushtrap cried out in pain again "that's what you get for wishing death upon my unborn baby!" Chica says angrily and she stabs the knife through his hand making it go through the table.

Plushtrap screams in agony as he tries to move his hand but it's stuck. "I hope springtrap loves my little gift that I'm going to give to him" Chica says picking up plushtraps two fingers that she cut off.

And with that Chica turns around and leaves. She goes down the shop and get to little envelopes to put plushtraps fingers in.

As plushtrap didn't says where springtrap is she's gonna post plushtraps fingers through his letter box and he will see it when he's back.

Chica writes a note and puts it in one of the envelope before closing it up.

Here are your dear brothers
Fingers maybe you might
Thinks twice before shooting someone I
Love, until next time x ~Chica

Chica takes a taxi to springtraps apartment and posts plushtraps fingers through the letter box.

The taxi drops Chica back off to the hospital to see Bonnie. Chica pays the taxi driver and gets out of the car.

Chica goes up to Bonnies room and opens the door, her eyes widen when she sees him awake.

"Omg your awake!!" Chica say happily as she rushes over to Bonnie to give him a cuddle. "I've been awake for an hour now my love" Bonnie says hugging Chica back.

"I was so worried I thought you wasn't going make it" Chica stutters as she breathes in his scent.

"I'm here" Bonnie says rubbing chicas back. "Where have you been?" Bonnie asks as Chica pulls away from the hug. Bonnie makes room for Chica on the bed.

"I went to find plushtrap to tell me where springtrap is but he didn't so I cut off two of his fingers and posted them through springtraps letter box for what he did to you" Chica says kissing Bonnies neck.

Bonnies eyes widen in shock but can't help to smirk. "You was really on a mission" Bonnie smirks pulling Chica on top of him.

Chica straddles him as he kisses her jawline. "I will do anything for you" Chica moans quietly.

"It could of been dangerous though did he hurt you or anything" Bonnie asks. "No baby" Chica says pecking his lips.

"I love you so much" Bonnie says to Chica kissing her back, "I love you to" Chica says on his lips.

After some time of kissing Chica pulls away. "How are your wounds?" Chica asks, "sore but kissing you makes me feel better" Bonnie says kissing chicas neck.

Chica giggle as she thinks this is the right time to tell bonnie. "I have to tell you something bonnie"Chica says. "Ok my love" Bonnie says as he stops kissing chicas neck.

Chica sits beside him "I'm pregnant" Chica says nervously. Bonnies eyes widen in shock "are you serious?" Bonnie asks. Chica nods and Bonnie grins.

"Oh my fucking god I'm so happy!!!!" Bonnie squeals in happiness. I wave of relief comes over Chica.

"When did you find out!?" Bonnie says kissing all over chicas face. "This morning, I've been throwing up for nearly a week and I threw up this morning then mangle got me a pregnancy test and it was positive" Chica smiles at how happy bonnie Is.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Bonnie asks. "Because I thought you was going to be angry and not love me no more" Chica sighs.

"I would never stop loving you and I would never be angry" Bonnie says seriously. Chica smiles as she kisses his nose.

"Let me see your belly" Bonnie says pulling up chicas top showing her stomach. "Bonnie there is no bump yet it take at least sixteen week to form a baby bump" Chica giggles.

"I don't care my daughter or son is in here" Bonnie says kissing her stomach.


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