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Christmas has passed and Chica is at the end of her second trimester. Her belly has grown so much bigger than before.

Bonnie hasn't left Chica alone she can tell he is nervous. The gang are in the living room, The guys are watching the football match that's going on.

Chica sees mangles arms wrapped around foxys waist and her head is resting on his shoulder as he watches tv.

Foxy and mangle look really happy. Bonnie has his arms around As Chica is leaning back on him.

All of a sudden Chica feeling a flutter in her stomach. Chica puts her hand on her stomach and feels a kick.

Her eyes widen in excitement feeling her baby kicking. "Bonnie the baby is kicking" Chica says looking up at him.

"Wait what?" Bonnie says. "The baby is kicking feel" Chica says again putting his hands on her stomach.

Bonnie grins as he feels their baby kicking. "Guys the baby is kicking" Bonnie says happily

Before anyone could move or say something mangle climbs over everyone. "Excuse me coming through" mangle says coming over to Chica and Bonnie.

"Hey I was enjoying our cuddle" foxy whines. "When it comes to my best friend and her bubba our cuddles are the least of my worries" mangle jokes.

Chica can't help but laugh along with the other. Mangle places her hand on chicas stomach and the baby kicks.

"The baby is kicking hard doesn't it not hurt you?" Mangle asks. "Nope it sorta tickles" Chica smiles.

everyone has had a feel of chicas tummy (Ew that doesn't sound right lol). Bonnie and Chica go upstairs for some alone time.

Chica lays down on Bonnies bed wrapping herself in the covers. "The covers smell so much like you" Chica says inhaling the scent.

Bonnie slides into his bed after taking off his top. "I miss going out, fighting and stuff" Chica sighs.

"When you have our little one, you will be able to do that we still need to teach springtrap a lesson" Bonnie says wrapping his arms around Chica.

"Damn right I've always wanted to get revenge on him and his gang and we will after I have our baby" Chica says.

Bonnie smiles as he closes the gap between them. Chica kisses Bonnie back, she feels Bonnie slide his tongue into her mouth, she gladly lets him explore her mouth.

Bonnie pins Chica down as he climbs on top of her. There is a gap between them because of chicas baby bump.

"I can feel the baby kicking against my stomach" Bonnie laughs. "It's probably saying get off dada" Chica smiles pecking Bonnies jawline.

Bonnie chuckles as he goes down to Chica belly and kiss it. "I love you my little love" Bonnie says gently pecking chicas stomach.

Chica feels the baby kicking hard. "Ow that hurt" Chica says because the baby is kicking hard.

"Are you ok?" Bonnie asks worriedly. "I'm fine the baby is just kicking really hard probably because it felt it's dada kissing my stomach" Chica smiles.

Bonnie lays his head next to Chica stomach as his arms are protectively wrapped around the baby bump.

Chica smiles as she runs her fingers through his hair gently. After some time Bonnie has fallen asleep and the baby has stopped kicking.


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