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Weeks have passed and Chica has been getting really bad pains in her stomach, she describes the pain as contractions but it's too early to give birth.

Bonnie is trying his best to make Chica feel comfortable during this time. Right now Chica is leaning up against the kitchen counter eating some food.

Bonnie is in the shower and the others are either on there phones or watching the tv that's in the kitchen.

"How's your pains chi" foxy asks. "It hasn't been as bad as last night" Chica says. "Why don't you sit down?" golden Freddy says

"Standing up is much better" Chica says rubbing her stomach. All of a sudden Chica gets a pain shoot through her stomach and back.

"Ahhh fuck!!!" Chica hisses in pain. "Are you ok? is it time?" Freddy asks worriedly. "I don't know" Chica says as another sharp pain shoots through her stomach.

Chica feels water running down her leg onto the floor then a lot comes out. "Guys her water has broke!!" Mangle says worriedly getting up from the chair and rushing over to Chica.

"I will get Bonnie" Freddy says rushing up the stairs. Chica is In huge amount of pain, "I feel so dizzy" Chica says worriedly.

Mangle gets Chica to sit down on a chair. "Just take deep breaths" mangle says calmly as golden Freddy and foxy run around like headless chickens trying to find something to help Chica.

"Let's get Chica to the hospital" Bonnie says worriedly helping Chica up from the chair and to the car.

"I will drive, you three stay home you all don't need to come, we don't need to stress Chica out" golden Freddy says grabbing his car keys, the others nod and understand.

The three make it outside, golden Freddy unlocks his car and opens the back door for Chica and Bonnie.

"I'm scared because I have one month left until I give birth My water shouldn't of broke" Chica cry's in pain.

"It's gonna be ok" Bonnie says kissing chicas cheek. Golden Freddy drives to the hospital as fast as possible.

Once golden Freddy makes it to the hospital he parks his car and gets out to get a nurse. Some minutes later golden Freddy comes out with a nurse.

Bonnie opens the door and helps Chica out. "Call me when things are ok" golden Freddy says seriously. "Will do" Bonnie says walking in the hospital with Chica.

After Chica is all set up in a hospital bed a couple of nurses and a midwife comes into the room.

"Is she one month early?" The midwife asks Bonnies. "Yes she isn't supposed to be having all of this yet" Bonnie says worriedly.

The nurse nods and checks chicas undercarriage to see if she can see the baby.

Chica has her eyes close trying to relax as she's one strong pain killers. "The baby is ready to come out so Chica can you start pushing" the midwife asks.

Chica nods as she starts to push. Bonnie takes hold of chicas hand so she can squeeze it. "It's so painful" Chica cry's.

"Your doing great keep pushing" the midwife says. Chica keeps pushing and pushing "your nearly there!" The midwife says happily.

"You can do it gorgeous" Bonnie smiles. Chica gives one last push, "you did it!" The midwife says passing the crying baby to the nurses to clean up.

Chica's head falls back from Exhaustion and hearing her baby cry makes her feel happy. "It's a gorgeous baby girl" a nurse says.

"Would you like to cut the umbilical cord dad?" One of the nurses asks Bonnie. Bonnie walks over to his new born daughter and smiles brightly.

The baby has stopped crying as Bonnie cuts the umbilical cord. "She's 6 weeks near a month early which means she needs to be monitor more then a usual baby" the nurse explains to Bonnie.

Bonnie nods as he stares down at his new born daughter. "Can I hold her?" Chica asks tiredly, the nurse picks the baby up and passes her to Bonnie.

Bonnie holds his daughter tightly but not to tight. He walks over to Chica and puts their daughter on chicas bare chest.

The baby coos as she's is place on her mum. "She's so perfect" Chica smiles kissing her daughters head making her daughter coo again because Chica kissed her.

Chica eyes shut and falls to sleep with the baby one her chest. "Can't sleep yet dear we need to clean you up" the nurse says taking the baby off of chicas chest and gently passing her to Bonnie.

Chicas eyes opens feeling her baby being lifted off her chest. The nurse helps Chica up out of the bed and she walks naked to the shower that's in room.

Before Chica gave birth she was wearing on of Bonnie T-shirts that goes down to her knees. Bonnie lays his daughter down on her little bed and takes out a yellow baby grow that Chica brought ages ago, mangle or someone must of put it in chicas bag.

Bonnie also gets a nappy and out puts it on his daughter after the baby is change she starts whining obviously hungry.

"Mummy will be out of the bathroom soon and she will feed you" Bonnie says to his daughter putting her on his chest.

The baby rests her head on Bonnies shoulder as he rubs her back. After Chica comes out of the bathroom she lays down in a clean bed.

"She's hungry" Bonnie says. Chica opens her arms to take her daughter back so she can feed her.

After the nurse shows Chica how to breast feed she leaves the room. "We need to name her" Chica smiles down at her daughter that's she's nursing.

"Maisie rose grey" Chica smiles brightly. "I love that name especially because she's has my last name" Bonnie smiles.


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