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Weeks have passed and Chica has been feeling really ill. She's been throwing up every morning, craving weird food and mood swings.

Chica thinks she's getting the flu or something. She hasn't told anyone because she doesn't want any of her friends to worry.

Chica wakes up and sees Bonnie isn't next to her. She gets up out of bed and walks out of her bedroom.

Chica hears that everyone is up so she heads down stairs. Chica enters the kitchen and smells food.

The smell of food makes her feel sick so she runs to the toilet and throws up. Everyone stares at each other in concern.

"Chica are you ok?" Bonnie says walking to the bathroom. He sees her sat next to the toilet getting ready to throw up again.

"No can you get mangle please" Chica asks, Bonnie nods and gets mangle.

"Hey what's wrong?" Mangle says gently closing the bathroom door behind her. Mangle sits on the floor next to Chica.

"I don't know for the last couple of days I've been throwing up every morning, craving food and my moods swings are worse then normal" Chica says worriedly.

Mangles eyes widen putting together the symptoms. "Have you and Bonnie had sex recently?" Mangle asks.

"Yeah why" Chica says raising a eyebrow. "Chi you might be pregnant" mangle says making chicas eyes widen.

"Oh no, how we used a condom?!" Chica says panicking. "It might of split that can happen" mangle says.

"Ohhhh god what am I gonna do I cant get an abortion I could never kill a innocent life" Chica says rubbing her face with her hands.

"Chi you might not be pregnant I'm just guessing by the symptoms, how about I go out and get you and pregnancy test then we will go from there?" Mangle suggest.

Chica nods "go back up stairs and I will tell the guys that your not well and I'm going to get you some tablets" mangle says, "Ok thanks mags" Chica smiles.

"No problem" mangle smiles. Chica opens the door and Bonnie pulls her into a hug. "Are you ok?" Bonnie asks. "I'm fine I'm not well" Chica says hugging Bonnie back.

Chica goes back up stairs to rest and wait for mangle to come back.

Shortly after mangle comes back "ok I got it" mangle says. mangle and Chica go into the bathroom, Chica does the pregnant test and waits for the results.

"I'm scared what if I am pregnant?" Chica asks. "It's normal to be scared and if you are pregnant you will be a wonderful mother and if bonnie doesn't accept which I think he will accept I will cut his balls off" mangle smirks.

"If I do have a baby it will be in danger because we have loads wars with other gangs and it will be dangerous" Chica say.

"I'm sure if someone hurt your baby you would kill them without hesitation" mangle smiles. Chica smiles back, the time is up and Chica takes a look at the test.

"Sooo?" Mangle asks because she can't read chicas expression. "I-I'm pregnant" Chica stutters.

all of a sudden Chica starts crying, "oh chica" mangle says bringing Chica into a hug. "I'm not upset because I'm pregnant it's just overwhelming what if Bonnie doesn't love me no more" Chica cries.

"He will love you chi" mangle says rubbing her back. "I'm scared to tell him" Chica says pulling away from the hug.

"Don't be he won't hate you" Mangle says. Chica nods "I will tell him later" Chica says.

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