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~a week later~

Everything has been normal for chica and Bonnie for the passed week. They been taking care of their bubba while Foxy and Mangle are loved up and for Freddy and golden Freddy, Freddy is being Freddy and Golden Freddy has been busy with stuff.

Maisie's is nearly one month old. Time flies by so quick. While the boys are in the kitchen Chica and Mangle are in the living room with Maisie.

"She's gotten so big" Mangle says holding Maisie's little hand and as Chica holds her in my arms. "I know I don't want her to grow I loved it when she was so small" Chica sighs happily as She kisses Maisies cheek making her coo.

"You can tell she has Bonnie hair" Mangle smiles making Chica smile to. "She definitely does, she has a lot of brown hair for her age but Bonnie has thick brown hair so the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" Chica smiles as she gently rocks her baby in her arms.

"She's gotten out of her sucking phrase since I brought her a dummy, once I was kissing her chin she got my lip and started sucking it and I couldn't get her off so Bonnie had to help" Chica says laughing at the memory.

"I would love to have a bubba of my own" Mangle sighs sadly. "Why don't you, you'll be a fantastic mum" Chica questions making Mangle smile.

"I don't think Foxy would want one and plus I don't thinks he's matured enough to be a dad" Mangle says laughing slightly.

"I know sometimes he can be a div but I think he would be a good dad because he's really good with Maisie" Chica say making Mangle smile.

"I will see" She smirks. All of a sudden Maisie starts whining, "what's wrong?" Chica ask gently as Maisie whines again.

She only whines when she wants her dad.

"Bonnie!" Chica calls out from the living room. "Yeah?" He call back, "Maisie wants you" she say hearing Bonnies footsteps coming closer.

Bonnie comes into the living and holds his arms out as Chica passes their daughter to him. "I love you" Bonnie says in a baby voice kissing Maisie's cheek which makes Chica smile.

Ever since she gave birth to Maisie Bonnie has been showing his soft side even more which she thinks is so lovely to see.

As Bonnie leaves with Maisie to go to the kitchen Goldie comes out of his study. "I swear you have been in there all day?" Chica says leaning back on the sofa.

"I have but I got something to tell you all, where are the others?" He asks. "In kitchen playing poker".

After Goldie gathers the rest of the gang in the living he starts tell them.

"As you all know the withered are sadly back in town as you all well know and we have some unfinished business with them" Golden Freddy explains.

"They have stolen money and our turf and I and I'm sure all of you want that back" Golden Freddy says as the gang agrees.

"All we need to do is think of a plan" Golden Freddy smirks, "so are you in?"


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