Chapter 1: First Day of Shoot

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Ji-in cannot believe she is now face to face with the famous Hyeyoon. She watched her before in Sky Castle and was a bit intimidated by the tiny ball of energy in front of her.

"Hi, I'm Kim Hyeyoon," her small hand fully extended and accompanied by her perfect teethy smile.

"Hello, I'm Ji-in. Whoa, you're way tinier than I thought!" said Ji-in in surprise, without letting go of Hyeyoon's cute hand.

"Ya! Watch your words!" She pretended to be hurt but was actually ready for such remarks. She has heard such quip a million times already from almost all introductions she'd had with people.

They both laughed. It was an instant connection between the two girls who will star in MBC's Extraordinary You.

"I didn't see you during the workshop..."

"Ah, yeah! My schedule was quite hectic so my manager bargained with the director if I can just practice on my own."

"I see. Quite a pity though that you weren't able to bond with the other actors who will be with us. They're quite good-looking!" Ji-in tried to look calm but a squeal of delight escaped her throat.

"I'm not worried about that. I've Googled them already and I'll get a chance to know them later on."

"So...are you excited to be paired with Rowoon? He is really cute and tall." She said matter-of-factly.

Hyeyoon rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I know how he looks like, saw him before when he visited Chani during our Sky Castle filming. He'll look good to me if he wasn't quite a snub. Plus, where is he now? We've been waiting for at least an hour already and he's nowhere to be found!"

"Know what? You need to chill! Hahaha!"

Ji-in playfully tried to calm her newfound friend down.

"I'm normally chill, okay? It's just that I came here prepared and on time. For crying out loud, this is our first day of filming. If he's not early today, what more for the rest of the whole shoot?!" She threw her question up in the air so animatedly.

"Waitaminutewaitaminute. I think that's Rowoon already."

Hyeyoon followed Ji-in's gaze.

She saw a very tall figure--almost double her height--headed towards them.

He's wearing khaki pants, white shirt, and unbuttoned dark blue school blazer. His perfectly curled hair covered his forehead. His glossy cherry lips are slowly forming an upward curve while getting nearer and nearer. And when he's just a few inches away from the two girls, he flashed his perfect set of pearly whites.

"Hey, Ji-in! Sorry I'm late. Something came up while having our band rehearsal--you know, SF9 thing. I must have kept all of you waiting. I'm really sorry." He pouted jokingly to Ji-in like a sad puppy but not without sincere apologies shown in his sparkly eyes.

"Awww, no need for apologies! I'm good with my scene already. By the way, the two of you have met already, right?"

She pointed Hyeyoon to Rowoon and back to Hyeyoon, looking quite confused.

Rowoon's smile disappeared in a heartbeat.

Hyeyoon's mood completely changed.

"Yeah," said Hyeyoon coldly.

"We did," Rowoon said flatly.

"Ji-in? We need you here for a bit," the director's megaphone echoed loudly on the school grounds where their shooting is currently located.

"Comiiing!" She shouted back. "Guys, I'll see you at the building, okay? I guess my scene's up again."

"Sure! I'm good here. Nice meeting you again!" Hyeyoon's charming smile returned instantaneously towards Ji-in. She watched her run and then slowly turned back to Rowoon.

"You're late for an hour." She turned towards Rowoon and placed her small hands on her tiny waist. She looked up fully just to meet Rowoon's gaze.

"I already said earlier that I'm sorry, didn't you hear?" He winced in annoyance.

"Well, let me tell you that we still have 6 more months of seeing each other. And if you're going to be late like this every single time, perhaps you should just quit," Hyeyoon hissed.

"Let me also tell you that the director is the only one I will listen to and not you. And the word quit is not in my vocabulary. "

He walked out, pissed off by this girl whose height can't even reach his chest. But before he could get any further, he heard her high strung voice again.

"Ya! I haven't forgotten yet what you did to me!"

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