Chapter 9: First Ride

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It was their first day at theater camp.

Everyone was excited to participate in acting workshops, script-reading, and many other activities prepared by the Korea Theater Guild.

13-year old Hyeyoon had to save her school allowance just to be able to join this event. She knew her dad wouldn't allow her to be away from him for five days, for it would seem like a month for him.

Her love for acting started after her mom passed away. She needed an outlet, a pasttime where she could express herself and at the same time help also others to heal their emotional wounds through entertainment.

She enjoyed her time at her school's theater club, but for her, it's just not enough. She wants an extra push, an extra squeeze of her talent. That's why when she saw the announcement posted at the school's bulletin board, she didn't think twice. In her heart, she know that this is what she wants.

She then boarded the bus which would bring all the participants in the camp.

Hyeyoon was nervous but since she is so good at her craft, she was able to hide it well. There was no trace of her racing heart and sweaty hands.

She walked slowly and picked the window seat at the far back. She wanted to be alone in the meantime and just observe her would-be classmates in the camp.

'I don't care if I'm alone. I'm here for myself and not for anyone else,' she talked to herself while putting her neck pillow on her shoulders.

The bus was suddenly busy with kids from 13 to 16 years of age, all excited for the trip and camp. There are shy girls, loud boys, animated ones, and cheerful teachers.

Hyeyoon knew already that it was a camp to remember.

Smiling about that the thought, she turned to her left when she suddenly felt someone who's starting to settle next to her. All along, she was almost sure no one would sit beside her. But here she is, looking up in contained shock. Her peaceful trip just got ruined.

"Hi. Is this seat taken?" The tall boy next to her smiled charmingly.

"Uh..." She tried to think fast. Should she say she paid for two seats? Nononono. That's too selfish.

"No. It's available." She forced a smile to her stranger classmate..for now.

"Kamsamnida!" He bowed to her and slowly eased his body onto the chair.

Hyeyoon turned to the view outside the window which is not yet that picturesque--a parking lot. She fidgeted with the things in her bag and tried to look for something which isn't missing. Suddenly restless and uncomfortable with having someone by her side, she stopped and closed her eyes and let out a heavy sigh. Apparently, she's not that good of an actress yet.

"Hey, you okay?" She heard the guy next to her but even his voice isn't enough to make her open her eyes.

"Mmmhmm." Hyeyoon nodded weakly.

"Are you nervous?" She knows he's smiling.

Opening her eyes, she was slowly greeted by a handsome guy smiling perfectly at her.

Her heart skipped a beat.

"How'd you know that I am?" She tried to hide her amusement.

"Your hands are fidgety and you look like it."
He said matter-of-factly.

"Well, aren't you nervous?" She didn't confirm his guess and threw back to him his question instead.

"A bit. It's pretty normal, to feel this way, right? I mean, I went here alone. My parents are away. I don't know anyone and I have no idea how the place looks like. The people we will be with, by the looks of it, are all so energetic and enthusiastic. What if they're all good and what if I found out that I'm the least good participant here? What if acting isn't really for me? I mean, so many things are in my mind which make me so nervous."

'Wow. He is such a talker.' Hyeyoon's jaw dropped. She can't believe that this charmer next to her is quite chatty. "Ahhh...I see."--was all that she managed to say.

"What's your name?" He turned to her and looked at her intently.

"Hyeyoon. Kim Hye Yoon." She had no choice but to answer.

"Nice to meet you Hyeyoon. I'm Kim Seok Woo. But you can call me Rowoon. That's my nickname. You want to know how I ended up with my nick?"

"Ahh no no no, it's okay. Nice to meet you too, Rowoon." She waved her small hands in front of him, like drawing an invisible boundary between their seats.

Rowoon extended his hand to her.

Hesitantly, she shook his hand.

"How old are you?"

"I'm 13. How about you?"

"Whoa, I'm 13 also! But how come you look like you're 10? You're so small."

"Aha! How about you? How come you look like you're 18? You're so tall."

And the playful banter has already started. Before they know it, Rowoon and Hyeyoon were already having a blast and the camp hasn't even started yet.

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