Chapter 15: First Declaration

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"Rowoon?!? Hyeyoon?!?"

As if on queue, Hyeyoon pushed Rowoon so hard, he ended up looking as if he's about to do some sit-ups.


Both youngsters were shocked to see the director finding them in such position.

"What were you two doing?!"

"We were just...ah...ummm...we were..." Hyeyoon scrambled for words but can't find the right ones to say.

"You two were kissing."

Kim Sang-hyub told them what exactly they were doing while crossing his arms on his chest.

They can't read what's going on in his mind. He's not mad but he's not smiling either.

"I'm a father too, you know? I have a daughter. And you know what a father hates? Guys who don't respect his daughter."

Hyeyoon looked at Rowoon worriedly. He can't look at her nor at the director.

"I'm your father here in camp. You're my daughter and you're my son, both of you are my responsibility. Now, if you're only using this theater camp for your plans--"

"She's my girlfriend...and I love her. Miahnhamnida, Sanghyub-ssi." Rowoon stood up quickly and bowed his head.

Hyeyoon's jaw dropped.

"You love me?!?"

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