Chapter 14: First ****

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Rowoon was stopped by what he saw--loose sheets of script scattered all over the place.

Even if he is quite sure on whose papers it is, he still wanted to be certain about it.

He picked up the one nearest the sole of his foot and read:

Cast of Characters:
Eu Dan-oh (Kim Hyeyoon)
Haru (Kim Rowoon)

Rowoon nearly crumpled the paper.

"This is our script. Aishhh."

He hurriedly picked up the papers one by one.


His voice echoed on the whole forest. He doesn't care if it will reach the theater.

For now, he has only one thing in mind.

"Hyeyoonaaaaaa? Where are you???"

He was focused on finding the rest of the papers which could lead him to her.

To panic is the last thing he wanted to do, but how is that even possible right now?

His wildly beating heart is nearly bursting out of his chest.

'Why am I so concerned?

Who is this girl?

Why does the thought of something bad happening to her make me go crazy?

Am I going nuts already?

What is 1+1? I don't even know right now.

I just want to find her. NOW.'

Rowoon chased the remaining papers being blown by the morning wind.

"Ya! Hyeyoona! Come on, don't play hide and seek now! We need to throw our lines today, right?"

His deep voice filled the place. He was trying to be macho about it, stopping in the middle of the forest and trying to gain his composure by acting pissed off and manly, like a boyfriend who's impatiently waiting for his girl.

After a few seconds of tormenting stillness, Rowoon knew what to do. He had to let out what he has long kept in himself.

He needed to bring out his inner Superman.

The perimeters of the place won't hold him back anymore.

He ran.

He jumped over the low-laying tree branches.

He stopped caring about the dirt accumulating on his Vans.

He searched everywhere with heightened senses.

Rowoon thought this only happens in movies, in series.

He had to stop and lean on a tree. He was out of breath and was nearly giving up when he heard an extremely faint cry.

It's funny that despite the rush that he got from searching for her, he can't bring himself to turn his head quickly.

He found her lying on the grassy part of the forest, crouching in pain, barely able to talk. She was holding on to her left ankle.


He forgot how he got to her side instantaneously.

Sitting on the ground was his only option and he didn't mind it one bit.

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