Chapter 5: First Fall

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"Good, you wore a pair with thick sole." The director complimented Hyeyoon. "That's needed for your scene today."

Hyeyoon is worried. A stunt which involves falling backwards on a staircase is already dangerous enough but trusting your most hated person on earth to catch you makes it even worse.

"Sanghyub-ssi, maybe you can get a double for me?"

"We were thinking about it but it your face should be shown. So I guess we'd have to stick with you doing it. Rowoon will take care of you. Now, where's that boy?" The director looked for him. He can't be found anywhere.

"See? He doesn't want also!" She loves the fact that they can't find him. Maybe they can be on the same page after all. For once, she likes what he's doing.

"Please don't show up...keep up the good work," she muttered almost inaudibly to herself.

"I'm here! I'm so sorry ahjussi, I needed to find my black Vans sneakers. I thought I left it at home but thankfully, it's just in the car." Rowoon proudly showed his shoes to the director and crew. Hyeyoon was almost invisible to him.

"Good. Position yourself now at the base of the stairs. You know what to do. The scene is, April will go down the stairs, Ji-in will push her and she will accidentally push Hyeyoon, whom you should catch with your back. So you have to hunch over and really catch her with your back. Then you turn around, secure her upper body with your arm before the two of you will slowly fall on the floor. Both of you should land your left side, with your left arm under her head. You got that?" He looked at Rowoon and Hyeyoon's shocked reactions.

Kim Sang-hyub knows exactly what he's doing. He has probably pictured it out a million times in his head so he knows how the scene should come out.

"What if I don't get to catch her?"

Hyeyoon sent him some dagger looks.

"Bad news, big guy. You need to catch her. There are no 'what if's' here." He drew giant quotation marks in the air.

"But what if he doesn't catch me on purpose, ahjussi?"

"You might crack your head then."

Hyeyoon was beyond shocked. She can't believe this conversation is happening. She dragged Rowoon to the side.

"Listen," she craned her neck and looked up at him to catch his full attention. She was trying her best not to tiptoe. "You and I know that we can't stand each other. Actually, I was shocked when I learned you'll be my partner in this series. Had I known that it's going to be you, I would've backed out. But we're here already, okay? There is nothing we can do but to play along and do our work. But if you put my life in danger, I swear my father's gonna kill you. I'm not threatening you but he's gonna crack your head open, I tell you." She hissed at him.

Rowoon saw the cameraman hover his cam on them. He caught the proper timing to bend forward and whisper something to her. "I can't promise anything."

Hyeyoon is beyond mad. The thing is, she can't show it to anyone. Her heart is beating so fast because of fear and anger. The least she can do is hit Rowoon's arm playfully with an unobvious force.

He winced at the stinging pain but managed to force a smile after. He was fooled by her height and small frame. The girl can hit hard.

Both went back to their designated spots and the scene proceeded as planned.

Hyeyoon let herself fall despite having a hard time trusting Rowoon. He managed to catch her with his muscular back and pillow her head with his arm.

The scene had to be filmed multiple times until they're able to get the perfect shot.

Rowoon had to catch her head over and over again. He wanted to brush it off, but the sweet lingering scent of her hair is hard not to notice.

There was a time when they were both so tired that Hyeyoon didn't bother to get up anymore. He was surprised by his body's reaction to it. He tried to catch a glimpse of her, with her eyes closed while being nestled by his forearm. She's obviously tired from the scene.


Everyone clapped. They both stood up but he got to stand first. Hesitantly, he offered his hand to her. She pretended not to see and proceeded with supporting herself to get up.

"You okay?" He asked while trying to establish an eye contact. His effort was put to waste.

"Does it matter to you if I'm okay or not?"

"Guess what? It doesn't." He snapped and walked away.

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